Danik Essarovasked for translation 6 anos atrás
How to translate? (ru-en)
перед чем как подняться в самолёт каждому пассажиру должны взвесить багаж
- 1.
All passengers must have their luggage weighed before boarding.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en - 2.
Before boarding a plane the luggage of the each passenger should be weighed.
translation added by Tatiana OsipovaGold ru-en - 3.
Before boarding the plane every passenger must get their luggage weighed .
translation added by Маргарита Т.Gold ru-en
Danik Essarovasked for translation 6 anos atrás
How to translate? (en-ru)
only work part-time four mornings a week and I sometirmes do overtime on a Saturday morning. I don't eam a big salary. I's a temporary job and I only have a six-month contract at the moment But the working hours suit me as I have very young children.
- 1.
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translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold en-ru