Если бы не болезнь доктора Пейдж, Менсону не пришлось бы вести за него практику.
- 1.
If it hadn't been for Dr. Page's illness, Manson wouldn't have had to give practical training classes for him.
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en - 2.
But for Dr. Page's illness, Manson wouldn't have had to give practical training classes for him.
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en - 3.
Hadn't Dr. Page been ill, Manson wouldn't have had to conduct practical classes.
translation added by Andrew GalatinSilver ru-en
Хорошо, что мы заказали билеты заранее, иначе нам пришлось бы долго стоять в очереди.
- 1.
It’s a good thing we ordered tickets in advance, otherwise we’d have to stand in line forever.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en - 2.
It’s good that we've ordered the tickets in advance, otherwise we'd have had to queue up for a long time.
translation added by Sɯɐɹʇ WɐɔusBronze ru-en
Хорошо, что я взяла зонтик, иначе я бы промокла до нитки.
- 1.
It's good that I took an umbrella with me, or I would have been soaked to the skin.
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en - 2.
It’s a good thing I grabbed my umbrella, otherwise I would’ve gotten soaked to the bone.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en
Н. Фостер уже занимался проектированием зданий в Москве: Для строящегося «Москва-сити» он спланировал башню "Россия", как предполагается, ставшую самым высоким зданием в Европе (612м.) и вторым по высоте в мире.
- 1.
N. Foster has already been working on architectural projects in Moscow. For his Moscow City, currently under construction, he has planned to erect the Russia Tower, which, at 612 meters, is slated to be the tallest building in Europe and the second tallest in the world.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en
Пожалуй, ни с какой другой страной Россия не имела таких длительных связей, как с Великобританией.
- 1.
It seems that Russia has not had such longstanding relations with any other country as it has had with Great Britain.
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold en-ru - 2.
Russia has not had the longstanding relations it has with Great Britain with perhaps any other country.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold en-ru - 3.
Russia has quite possibly not enjoyed the longstanding relations it shares with Great Britain with any other nation.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold en-ru
Legislators must never invoke the law to put down something which is harmless to other people.
- 1.
ОТСЕБЯТИНА ALERT: Органы Власти не когда не должны подавлять законом ТО что не приносит вреда другим людям
translation added by DESTRI AN
Gewerkschaftliche Spitzen vereinigung von Beamtenverbanden auf berufstätiger Basis ist der Deutsche Beamtenbund.
The five thousand he brought to Atlantic City had been thoroughly flashed through the system. He would leave with forty-seven hundred, and a wide trail.
The subject was still alive two months later when President Bush met Senator Kerry to debate in a town-hall format at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri.
- 1.
Тема была все еще актуальна двумя месяцами позже, когда президент Буш встретился с сенатором Керри в формате местной/локальной дискусси/дебата в университете Вашингтона в Сент-Луисе, штат Миссури.
translation added by grumblerGold en-ru
Aviation Minister Liz Sugg said: “Passengers rightly expect to be charged fairly for services and allocated seating is clearly a concern for those flying.”
- 1.
Министр авиации Лиз Сагг отметила: "Пассажиры по праву рассчитывают на то, что за услуги будет взиматься справедливая плата, и тех, кто летает, безусловно, заботит возможность выбора места".
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold en-ru