мир моими глазами
- 1.
The world through my eyes
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en - 2.
the world as I see it
translation added by Валерий КоротоношкоGold ru-en
Есть люди на земле, с которыми поговоришь, как солнца выпьешь. Начинаешь весь светиться изнутри.
- 1.
There are people on Earth those that talking to them makes you feel as if you've drunk some sun. And you start to shine from the inside.
translation added by ` ALGold ru-en - 2.
There are people on Earth, that talking to them is akin to drinking the Sun. You start pulsating radiance from inside.
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en
Есть люди на земле, с которыми поговоришь, как солнца выпьешь. Начинаешь весь светиться изнутри.
- 1.
C'è gente sulla terra con cui se parli, senti come se avessi bevuto del sole. Inizi a brillare te stesso dall'interno.
translation added by Stas P.Silver ru-it
фотограф - любитель
- 1.
amateur phptografer
translation added by Валерий КоротоношкоGold ru-en - 2.
amateur photographer
translation added by Иван ФедоровSilver ru-en
Я увлекаюсь фотографией. Мне нравится фотографировать людей и природу.
Я очень люблю путешествовать, узнавать что-то новое.
Постоянно сидеть на одном месте - это не моё!
- 1.
I'm into photography. I like taking pictures of people and nature. I like to travel a lot and learn something new. Sitting at one place all the time is not my sort of thing!
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en - 2.
I'm keen on photography. I like taking photos of people and nature. I really love travelling and learning something new. Stay anywhere too long is not my cup of tea!
translation added by Jane LeshGold ru-en
Спорт лучшее средство от стресса и грусти.
- 1.
Lo sport è il miglior rimedio contro lo stress e la tristezza.
translation added by Stas P.Silver ru-it
лови момент, вдруг не повторится
- 1.
cogli il momento, può non ripetersi più (non capitare più)
translation added by Aleksandra PragerBronze ru-it
сама себе
- 1.
a se (sé) stessa
translation added by Varya ABronze ru-it