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S Widon

Knows English Russian.Studies English.
S Widonasked for translation hace 6 años
How to translate? (ru-es)

начинайте войну без меня как время подойдет

  1. 1.

    Cuando llegue la hora, empezad a guerrear sin mí.

    translation added by Елена К
    Gold ru-es
  2. 2.

    when the time is right start the war without me

S Widonasked for translation hace 6 años
How to translate? (en-ru)

darn you missed up

There are no translations yet. Be the first to translate this phrase
S Widonasked for translation hace 6 años
How to translate? (ru-en)

Надо бы поднажать,иначе проиграем

  1. 1.

    we’re going to need to step up our game or we’re going to lose

    translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍
    Gold ru-en
  2. 2.

    we have to try harder, otherwise we are going to lose

    translation added by grumbler
    Gold ru-en
S Widonasked for translation hace 6 años
How to translate? (ru-en)

Цемент(железо)никак не могу найти три часа!Как быть?

  1. 1.

    I’ve been looking for cement for three hours with no luck - what do I do?

    translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍
    Gold ru-en
  2. 2.

    It's been three hours that I can't find cement (iron)! What do I do?

    translation added by Tatiana Melihova
    Gold ru-en
S Widonasked for translation hace 7 años
How to translate? (en-ru)

A robbery gone bad?

  1. 1.

    Ограбление, которое пошло не так?

    translation added by Tatiana Gerasimenko
    Gold en-ru
  2. 2.

    неудавшееся ограбление

    translation added by Валерий Коротоношко
    Gold en-ru
S Widonasked for translation hace 7 años
How to translate? (ru-es)

пойдем со мной

  1. 1.

    vamos conmigo

    translation added by Irina Fomina
S Widonasked for translation hace 7 años
How to translate? (en-ru)

become free

  1. 1.

    Освобождаться, становиться независимым

    translation added by Elena Bogomolova
    Gold en-ru
  2. 2.

    обрести свободу

S Widonasked for translation hace 7 años
How to translate? (en-ru)

If any become free I need some for a challenge

  1. 1.

    если чтото пиходит даром что то приходится терять

    translation added by Jorge Gutsk
S Widonasked for translation hace 8 años
How to translate? (ru-en)

шапка зимняя

  1. 1.

    winter hat

    translation added by Талгат Мырзаханов
    Gold ru-en