Some social organisations that represent more than a half-million government blue-colours, demanded a fifteen percent pay raise. (проблема во фразе government blue-colours), заранее спасибо.
Finally watches were consulted, tunics betted, hats donned.
- 1.
в конце концов все посмотрели на часы, поправили кители и надели шляпы
translation added by Валерий КоротоношкоGold en-ru
The Tory position seems to be that unless investors get iron guarantees, nobody will advance anything to public service.
practically minded
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с практическим складом ума
translation added by grumblerGold en-ru
£30-a-head meals for government ministers
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еда для министров стоимостью 30 фунтов из расчета на человека
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold en-ru
The achievement [of Ireland] is certainly not to be dismissed, as some would have it, as a matter of statistical fudges, subsides from Europe and tax dodges for multinationals. But lessons for would-be tigers are either difficult to infer or of little use.
- 1.
Успехи Ирландии нельзя просто отнести , как многие хотели бы,на счет статистических манипуляций, европейских субсидий и налоговых уступок для крупных компаний, а уроки этих успехов для новых экономических тигров трудно либо извлечь, либо применить
translation added by Валерий КоротоношкоGold en-ru