Olga Lezhninaasked for translation hace 10 años
How to translate? (en-ru)
slim shady
There are no translations yet. Be the first to translate this phrase
Olga Lezhninaasked for translation hace 10 años
How to translate? (en-ru)
Meet customers
- 1.
Встречать посетителей
translation added by Paul November - 2.
Встретиться с покупателями
translation added by Artur Begyan - 3.
Встречать покупателя
translation added by Egor Sheverev
Olga Lezhninaasked for translation hace 10 años
How to translate? (ru-en)
- 1.
Социальный работник
translation added by Алена - 2.
Главный менеджер
translation added by Эдик Аракелян