Elena Dadaeva, that is the most unwieldy translation I've ever seen. Better you should have posted two or three different translations than that mess.
Я не хожу и использую инвалидное кресло как средство передвижения
I don't have the use of my legs, so I use a wheelchair to get around.
I can't walk, so I use a wheelchair as a means of transport.
I can't walk and use a wheelchair to move.
Я не хожу
I can't walk
i've got problems walking
I've got mobility problems
использую инвалидное кресло как средство передвижения
I use a wheelchair +
....as a mobility device
.... as a means of transportation (иронично)
Elena Dadaeva, that is the most unwieldy translation I've ever seen. Better you should have posted two or three different translations than that mess.