` ALadded a comment 7 years ago
Conflict => The conflict
Конфликт депутата Госдумы Натальи Поклонской и режиссера начался в конце 2016 года. Поклонская объявила фильм Учителя «антиисторической подделкой».
Conflict between deputy of the State Duma Nataly Poklonskaya and the producer started at the end of 2016.Poklonskaya called Uchitel's film "unhistorical falsification".
The conflict of the Deputy of the State Duma Natalia Polonskaya and this film director began at the end of 2016. Poklonskaya announced his film "ahistorical fake."
Conflict => The conflict
Спасибо за поправку.
Emil, not at all )
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