я бы сказал "этого недостаточно" по-русски и amount по-английски
я работаю на трёх работах,но того не достаточно,чтобы собрать всю сумму
I'm working three jobs and that's STILL not enough to raise the whole amount.
i work by three jobs but it's not enough to collect all sum
я бы сказал "этого недостаточно" по-русски и amount по-английски
Не знаю разницы, но можно сказать to raise a sum, а можно и to raise an amount
думаю, в современной жизни "sum" имеет гораздо больший арифметический оттенок.
Вот современный словарь:
Elena, I agree with Grumbler about AMOUNT sounding better. "I'm working three jobs and THAT'S still NOT ENOUGH TO RAISE (-or better- GET TOGETHER, SAVE) the NECESSARY AMOUNT." I'm afraid that INSUFFICIENT FOR RAISING is grammatically correct, but unidiomatic as hell.
Ok! What's the difference berween "sum" and "amount"? Uly, you missed "to" before "raise" ;)
Thanks for the correction, Elena.
There's not a big difference between the two words, except that SUM tends to be use more in financial or mathematical contexts. This post is just a general comment from one person to another, so SUM would sound a bit "technical" here (for lack of a better word).
Thank you.