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Руслан Нафиковasked for translation 8 years ago
How to translate? (en-ru)

Pay people properly. The gig model works well for skilled freelancers, because they're (generally) paid a decent wage. In some sectors, temporary workers are incredibly well rewarded some tech jobs are advertised at an average rate of £460 per day.

User translations (1)

  1. 1.

    плати соответственно. модель организации хороша для продвинутых поскольку они платили все меньше. в некоторых отделах работники получают оч харошее вознаграждение . к примеру средний доход работника технической спец может составлять 460 евро в день????

    translation added by Shomin Tosh
    Heart 0 icon-learnHat

Discussion (2)

Руслан Нафиковadded a comment 8 years ago

Pay people properly. The gig model works well for skilled freelancers, because they're (generally) paid a decent wage. In some sectors, temporary workers are incredibly well rewarded some tech jobs are advertised at an average rate of £460 per day. That kind of fee won’t be appropriate for every role, but at least meet the market rate, and take into account any extra costs they’ll incur.

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