should I check the crossed out part?
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Xiaoqing Headded a note 8 years ago
Правильный выбор?
Спасибо большой заранее!
Discussion (7)
1 - только бы - a set expression
2 - численность - if we're talking about the number of any creatures living, especially inhabitants of something
3 - в своих поступках - a set expression, отдавать отчет (в чем?) в поступках, действиях и т.д.
4 - correct
5 - correct; ни с чем не спутаешь - very recognizable, so you won't mix it up with anything else
Thanks a lot both. Thanks Юля for the kind explanation. Regarding 142 " some people are ready to do anything, IF ONLY (только бы) to annoy someone." - is this a correct translation? It just reads bit weird to me ...
And what does пошла бы погуляла mean . Thanks
Qing, in 142,yes. or you may also say "just to annoy someone". in Russian Phrase "лишь бы" is often used in the same meaning.
"пошла бы погуляла" is something like "you could've went out at least" (since you've got nothing better to do)
Thanks Igor! Got it now ))
you're welcome Qing