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Любовь Федороваasked for translation 9 years ago
How to translate? (en-ru)

They are always coming out with new flowers

User translations (2)

  1. 1.

    Постоянно выращивают новые сорта цветов.

    Translator's comment

    ALWAYS COMING OUT WITH говорят о компаниях, отраслях или науке когда эти постоянно изобретают или выпускают новые вещи. Без контекста я могу предположить, что здесь имеется в виду цветочная индустрия, которая постоянно селекционирует новые виды цветов.

    translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍
    Gold en-ru
  2. 2.

    Они всегда появляются с новыми цветами.

    Translator's comment

    Present Соntinuous с "Always" употребляется для описания поведения, характера или привычек человека (слишком часто происходящих, либо вызывающих раздражение или смешных и т.д.)

    translation added by Elena Bogomolova
    Gold en-ru

Discussion (8)

⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 9 years ago

Elena, I think you've misinterpreted the meaning of this sentence. Obviously there's not context, but this is about innovation, invention, etc. "Science is always coming out with new ways to stay healthy." "Apple is always coming out with sleeker and more expensive versions of their devices."

Elena Bogomolovaadded a comment 9 years ago

Uly, ok, thank you. However, do you consider that there can't be a situation when my translation is correct?

Elena Bogomolovaadded a comment 9 years ago

By the way, to say "выпускают новые виды цветов" is not correct. We can say, for example, "выращивают новые сорта цветов", "производят новые сорта цветов"

⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 9 years ago

Thank you for your correction :)

⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 9 years ago

One situation where you're translation may be valid is perhaps at a graveyard. The groundskeeper always sees one family brining new flowers to the grave of their loved one. But he wouldn't necessarily be upset, because it's not an annoying habit per se (unless he constantly had to be cleaning up after them, for example.)

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