Grumbler your translation seems very literal. Is this dreaming in the sense of wishing for something? "what else" usually refers to "one more thing..."
О чём ещё мечта́ть ма́ленькому ма́льчику?
User translations (4)
- 1.
What more can a little boy wish for?
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en5 - 2.
What else can a young boy dream of?
translation added by grumblerGold ru-en2 - 3.
Look on the comment below!!!
translation added by Alvin Filou0 - 4.
What else may little boy dream of?
translation added by Olya V0
Discussion (21)
Good day, Olivia! I'm sorry to contact you this way, but this is important for the site. The fact is that you are the only one other native speaker on the site except Ulysses. And you are not just a native speaker, but also competent and unbiased. And the site needs your help.
Unfortunately, there is debates whether Elena Bogomolova's translations are correct. Ulysses insists that they're wrong. Elena Bogomolova gives examples, the opinions of other native speakers that everything is correct. And who is right?
If this site is important for you, then I ask you to do a favor to this site and all the people here who want to learn something useful here. Please look at the last 5 translations of Elena Bogomolova into English. And please look at this example
And give your opinion about her level as a translator.
And please give your opinion on Uly's comments. Are his comments rude from the point of view of American culture? Biased? Or everything's ok with them? How adequate and useful are his lessons here?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Hi Alvin. I’ve actually been asked by Tatiana and HolyMoly to comment on a post where Elena wrote “as we know” instead of “as we all know.” I decided not to comment. I’ve been down the “rabbit-hole” with Elena before and it’s a losing proposition. I actually stopped using LingvoLive because of Elena and another user named Aleh. Like Uly, I saw my participation on this site as an opportunity to help people learn English. However, I quickly realized that it’s a waste of time trying to teach those who won’t be taught. I’ve actually been following all the drama and have chosen not to participate. Uly’s points are correct and they’re not accepted - how much less will mine be? I don’t have Uly’s patience, you see. I’ve lost my patience with Elena and Aleh in the past and it doesn’t help anyone. In fact, it keeps others from learning what I consider to be excellent and valid English points.
As far as Elena’s competence as a translator, I’ll only say that I’m sure her Russian translations are excellent!
As far as Uly’s rudeness, I think it’s a natural response to trying to impart something valuable and having it thrown in his face. Uly is an extremely talented editor who has worked on some very impressive projects and with important publishing houses. I would pay close attention to anything he tried to teach on here - he knows what he’s talking about.
I hope my comments were helpful, Alvin. I refuse to drawn into the drama with Elena again. Sorry.
Thank you very much! It is very cool to figure out what is what!
спасибо 👍👍👍
Olivia, I have nothing to add except to thank you for your kind words!
Olivia, one more question please!
What did you mean when you said "Uly, as horrible as it sounds, I've actually seen OF a person, especially in overseas publications and website."?? Clarify it please!
You got it, Uly! I messaged you on LinkedIn to let you know I’d be writing this.
Alvin, what I meant was that even though “features of” sounds horrible to me and Uly, some people do use it, especially in overseas publications. I’ve actually seen it in several American publications too. I still don’t like it for some reason. So it’s not incorrect, it’s just not my first choice. Hope this helps!
So you completely agreed with Uly? Thanks, surely you helped much))
Ulysses, I think I should apologize before you. I thought you were just offending Elena Bogomolova. Now I see I understood the things wrong.
Alvin, I appreciate your apology and your willingness to investigate these issues. But unfortunately I don’t think it’s going to change anything. Yesterday I corrected a bunch of Elena’s translations with explanations and links, and they’re still there. Now they have multiple hearts and anyone who sees them will think she’s correct. At the end of the day, I’m only trying to help and teach. Is that wrong?
Olivia, I think you ought to post a note here to clarify the things to others! I can't do this because some people as Alexander Akimov would think it's trolling. Uly can't post it because he already seems not very good for any user who don't know the matter of this dispute. But your words are worthy to see for other people.
Fair enough, Alvin, I’ll write a note, but I don’t want to create any drama. I want to support Uly because I believe he’s an excellent teacher, but I also want to leave the readers with something useful, so I’ll need to think about what I’m going to write. Thank you for approaching me about this - it shows a lot of character!
I think you ought to post a note here to clarify the things to others! I can't do this because some people as Alexander Akimov would think it's trolling
Of course, you're a troll - you don't have any history, you've just registered your account
Olivia, we're here to learn. Answer my questions please!
1 in the English language we don't use the expression "of course" as often as in Russian, right?
2. We don't use any comma here "any history, you've", do we?
Elena, щас вот сразу и тролль. Просто пробежался по сайту, нашел Оливию и решил спросить, что к чему. Вот и вся недолга!