выглядит необычно
In her bikini top, military shorts and combat boots, she CUTS AN UNUSUAL FIGURE
User translations (1)
- 1.
she cuts an unusual figure
Editedона выглядит необычно (/ выделяется необычным видом)
In her bikini top, military shorts and combat boots, she cuts an unusual figure
Example translation
Translator's comment
translation added by grumblerGold en-ru2
Discussion (9)
This phrase implies that she makes everybody look at her because of her figure.
because of her figure
Is this really always the case?
"She cuts an unusual figure in the children's home, which is filled with young people whose families have failed to care for them. "
"While the Minster might be home for Ellie, who has settled in one of the properties in the cathedral grounds, she cuts an unusual figure in any clergy line-up. It may be more than 20 years since the first women priests were ordained into the Church of England, but it’s still a vocation that is dominated by men. "
In both those examples, the nuances the same: they calls attention to themself/stand out amongst others by somehow being different/unusual/extraordinary, etc.
FIGURE here doesn’t refer to her body necessarily but rather to her overall appearance. A man, for instance, can cut an imposing figure in his new suit.
То есть "представлять собой (какое-либо) зрелище"