Tatiana Gerasimenkoadded a comment 3 years ago
The conference is closing in two minutes.
Another two minutes and the conference is over.
осталось 2 минуты и конференция окончена
Two minutes and the conference will be over.
two more minutes and the conference is over
The conference is closing in two minutes.
Another two minutes and the conference is over.
ANOTHER is also used, but it’ll make the statement sound really desperate:
[extracting a bullet from someone in cold blood and they’re in sheer agony]
— Another two minutes and this’ll all be over!
Ещё 2 минуты, и всё было бы кончено!:)
That would actually work if the speaker really needed to go to the bathroom and was clutching white-knuckled at the back of the seat in front of them, sweating profusely… 😂
Uly, what did you mean by “that”?