Андриолли 1added a comment 3 years ago
She came into the theatre barely in underwear. It's indecent: it seems like she forgot to put her skirt on. She has three children though. (?)
Явилась в театр чуть ли не в трусах. Это неприлично: такое ощущение, что забыла надеть юбку. А ведь у неё трое детей...
Two women talk about another one behind her back.
Как передать на английском ' чуть ли' и 'а ведь'?
She showed up at the theater damn near in her underwear. Just disgraceful. You'd think she'd forgotten to put on her skirt. And mind you -- she has three kids (at home)...
She all but turned up at the theater in her panties. So indecent. It was like she forgot to put on a skirt. And with three kids at home...
She came into the theatre barely in underwear. It's indecent: it seems like she forgot to put her skirt on. She has three children though. (?)
Uly, many thanks!