Uly!!! 😃🤩💥💥
Только спустя неделю после начала болезни, сдав очередной тест, я узнала настоящую причину - коронавирус.
Not until a week after I got sick, when I took another test, did I find out what the real cause was — corona(virus).
Only a week after the onset of the disease, when I took another test, I learned the real cause - coronavirus.
It wasn’t until a week after I fell ill that I took another test and found out (what) the real cause of my illness (was/is) — corona(virus).
Uly!!! 😃🤩💥💥
Я думала, должно быть learned *about*😔
Learn ABOUT is good for an item of news, something that happened, not a diagnosis: [изучать] “Today in class, we learned about the symptoms of coronavirus.” [узнать] “Only this morning did I learn about/of his death.” If a diagnosis is newsworthy, then you can use LEARN OF/ABOUT: “This morning, the entire nation learned of/about their beloved president’s cancer diagnosis.” (=the news [that he has cancer])