I’d say сложноватый вопрос
сложный вопрос
Right away I knew she meant the Big Macs , but I had to pretend it was a toughie
Example translation
Я сразу понял, что она загадала биг-маки, но пришлось притвориться, что это сложный вопрос
Discussion (6)
To me, сложный is outright difficult, while a toughie is hard, but only relatively so (hence the diminutive ending).
hi Uly, then I think "непростой вопрос" is better
You’d know better than me. I just think that the diminutive injects a slight humor into this, as if jovially preparing the listener in a mildly teasing way for a difficult task, or playing down one’s own trepidation at the prospect of taking on the task in question. That’s why I figured сложноватый would be more to the point. But again, as a rule, I don’t argue with natives 👍🏼
Difficult to explain this one, it's more of my feeling that can be subjective. The objective fact is that "сложноватый вопрос" appears neither in Google books, nor in НКРЯ (https://ruscorpora.ru/).
The scenario when I can imagine it in use: two professors discuss exam questions, and one say "это сложноватый вопрос для наших студентов, лучше его заменить на что-то попроще"
Again, my Russian isn’t good enough to see the difference. However, there are a lot of instances of it in a regular google search: