My relation hid money behind a painting. (?)
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Маша Дремоваasked for translation 4 года назад
How to translate? (ru-en)
моя родственница спрятала деньги за картину
User translations (2)
Discussion (7)
Андриолли 1added a comment 4 года назад
Russ Sadded a comment 4 года назад
Uly, how can we modify your versions to show that the person who hid the money was a female?
⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 4 года назад
hide the money in her bra 😂
Russ Sadded a comment 4 года назад
That's when my mother-in-law did when flu into the United States. In Amsterdam, they spotted an object in her bra and ask to show what's in there. I nearly faded out and she took out a thick pack of $100 bills. I had no idea she was traveling with money.
But seriously, the original clearly shows it was a female. So I wonder if there is a way to show it in English. Both of your versions don't explicitly say it was she.
⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 4 года назад
you can say HER MONEY
Russ Sadded a comment 4 года назад
that makes sense. thanks
⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 4 года назад