Андриолли 1added a comment 4 года назад
We haven't got any plants on the windowsill in our office. (?)
у нас в кабинете нет растений на подоконнике
У нас в кабинете нет растений на подоконнике.
EditedWe haven't got any plants on the windowsill in our office.
We haven't got any plants on the windowsill in our office. (?)
classroom - если о школе и т д.
There aren't any plants on the windowsills in our classroom.
windowsill - один
Thanks for cheking and improving my English. It's so kind of you))
We haven't got any plants on the windowsill in our office.
Зоя Шоломицкая, МОЛОДЦОМ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Хороший перевод!!!!!!!!!!!