The first veterinary examination was finished. They had weighed him, listened to his heart and lungs, and took his blood to analyses for DNA.
А вот и первый ветеринарный осмотр пройден. Его взвесили, прослушали сердце и лёгкие, а также взяли кровь на ДНК анализ.
User translations (2)
- 1.
And with that we concluded our first veterinary exam. We weighed him, listened to his heart and lungs, and took a blood sample for a DNA test.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en2 - 2.
And that was the first veterinary exam over. He was weighed, they listened to his heart and lungs, and blood was taken for a DNA test.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en2
Discussion (10)
Now... ¿
The rest is correct?))
Now the first (veterinary) health check is over. He was weighed, gotten the chest auscultation and underwent a DNA-blood test. ¿¿
Thanks a million! I have had a guess about "over", but I didn't use it.
Олли, не благодари! Я же тоже учусь. И за результат не ручаюсь)))
Вообще никогда не благодарить?)
Я думаю, когда обсуждение закончится (если оно будет), можно сразу всех поблагодарить. Ну кого-то, возможно, персонально. 😉
А если десять человек свои варианты предложат? Тебе же так проще будет.
Uly, thanks! I was so close to correct translation, that I can't help but enjoying!