спасибо большое!)
Как правильно перевести "раздевалка" (пляж) changing room or locker room?
User translations (2)
Discussion (31)
Gyms or schools
а бассейны, раздевалки для работников предприятий и т.д.?
Раздевалка с заприрающиимися шкафчиками - и этим все сказано.
Grumber, you don't have to put your unsolicited comments for nearly every translation/discussion I post. If you have your own translation - Post it. You found an error - report it. So, simple. No need to write your blunt comments or remarks unless I asked your opinion.
At last, after reading your brusque comments in general, I have a good picture of the way you talk. Do me a favor, find a minute to read this:
Don't thank me.
А вот и Ольга! Wow! 😉
Ой, Holy! Ну Вы же меня знаете, я немного рассеяна бываю)))
Yesterday Slavik, today Ольга.... too much wine?
От Вас, Russ, ничего не скроешь. Вы первый, кто разоблачил моё тайное пристрастие. Остальные списывали мои выверты на банальную рассеянность. 🤫
Russ, Holy Moly is Olga
>>Grumber, you don't have to put your unsolicited comments for nearly every translation/discussion I post. If you have your own translation - Post it. You found an error - report it. So, simple. No need to write your blunt comments or remarks unless I asked your opinion...
Hm, Russ S, I'd take it down a notch if I were you🤨 Seriously, it's a public resouce, anyone is free to comment here as much as they like and anywhere they like.
Russ, my comments and corrections are also unsolicited - should I keep them to myself too?
Olga, you wrote CHANING
Holy Moly, I agree everyone is free to comment here. But not in the blatant way he does. Before writing something public the one should learn simple and basic communication rules and avoid any stern remarks. He/she is actually the only user here who talks this way.
Ah, right, thank you, dear!😘
Uli, your comments are polite and mature. You don't behave like a teen. You are not trying to show off and always politely pointing at people's mistakes. (like a good teacher would do).
Good to hear)) Thank you
Let’s all ZOOM. I just posted a note with the link.
Черт побери! Хотел ответить сам, но опоздал. Однако, не могу отказать себе в удовольствии, т.ч. прошу прощения, если повторюсь.
Grumber, you don't have to put your unsolicited comments for nearly every translation/discussion I post. If you have your own translation - Post it. You found an error - report it. So, simple. No need to write your blunt comments or remarks unless I asked your opinion.
Russ, у вас мания величия. Мои комментарии адересованы всем пользователям - сейчас и в будущем, т.к. все переводы попадают в словарь. Вам - среди прочих. Если это и вопрос, то риторический - ответ очевиден. На открытом форуме мне не нужно ничью просьбуу и, тем более, разрешение. Blunt - ваше мнение, пожалуйста, я не возражаю и не протестую.
No one said you needed permission to comment. This site is a public resource. But if you do so then at least stick to some basic rules and be nice to other users. You're the only person here who has posted things like "Какая чушь?" или "Бред!" while assessing other posts. If you disagreed with something you could have said something like this - Actually, this may not correct... or I think your translation is incorrect... or It would sound better if we say... or Let me disagree, I think it should be.... or From my experience this doesn't sound naturally... or I'm not sure, let ask google... or I have my own version.... and so on. You see, Grumber, there are many ways to communicate nicely, with more respect to other users instead just throwing "Какая чушь?" или "Бред!"
Even if people make mistakes, you don't have to post snide remarks. So far, you're the only person who does it.
I'm asking just for one thing, please find 10 minutes to read the aforementioned article. You will love it!
Russ, it's an internet forum FFS. And I am 'grumbler' for a reason. You are entitled to your opinion, but IMHO, forums will be boring if everyone speaks like you suggest. And I do use words like чушь and бред - where such words are, IMO, absolutely appropriate. What's the point in wasting time on nonsense like "Actually, this may not correct... " when It IS incorrect, not MAY be.
If it's a question, then usually this was written by some other person, not the one asking for a translation. If it's really a translation, then it must be a really awful one for me to use such words. People posting such 'translations' have to learn the language themselves instead of 'helping' others.
The fact you dubbed yourself 'grumbler' doesn't entitle you to be rude or to act like a bully.
You are right - this is an internet forum. But this is A LEARNING forum, not a political talk show where opponents are rude and disrespect each other. A learning forum means people come here to learn or to ask for help/advice. A not to read your scathing comments.
They need explanation, translation, advice but NOT your scathing comments.
Furthermore, there are not only adults who come here. Some kids come here, too. They don't need to learn your way of communication. We are here for English.
If someone asks to translate some nonsense that supposed meaning is impossible to guess, the only 'explanation' can be that this is nonsense - чушь in Russian.
If someone knowing just few words in English posts a nonsensical 'translation', then then don't want to learn and don't need any advice. The only they want is demonstrate their grossly overestimated 'knowledge'.
Yes, some kids come here asking to do the whole homework for them. My typical scathing yet well deserved comment/advice in such cases is 'списывать нехорошо'.
BTW, what exactly was blunt/scathing/disrespectful in my comment here?
Do you not agree that "Locker room is ... where people would have their own locker with a key" would be a better explanation/definition?
...It's not about Locker room. It's just a place I posted my comment calling you to review your way of communication and to read the article. Neither it's about when people indeed post чушь. It's fine to tell them it's чушь or nonsense in a nice way.
...The cases when people want to demo their overestimated 'knowledge' indeed occur here. But don't you know that people like to show off, especially young, immature men. That is fine. But we shouldn't rudely cut them. Should we?
...About homework.. agreed, not good to do the whole thing for them. But how about something like this: "Hey, student, this part in your homework is confusing and I will gladly help you but the rest you have to do yourself". Sounds pretty good, no? Or just ignore such posts.
... what exactly was blunt... Grumbler, I don't have 'search for comments' option on this website, neither would I search if I had. But something tells me you perfectly understand my point.
Read again your comment and stick to the facts. It's absolutely not what you are saying now. - unsolicited... blunt... unless I asked you.
Yes, we should cut them. By demonstrating their 'knowledge' they fill the dictionary with nonsensical rubbish and оказывают медвежью услугу.
Well, each to their own. IMO списывать нехорошо is good enough. Clear and not rude. What sounds good to you sounds silly to me. And if I ignore then some other person wanting to demonstrate... would be more likely оказать медвежью услугу.
No I don't understand. Yes, I am sarcastic by nature and I don't beat around bushes. You are wasting your time trying to change me - I am too old despite allegedly behaving 'like a teen'. Fell free to report if you see anything really 'rude'. But don't under/overestimate the local 'administration'. The only they care about is not to be disturbed. They ban people left right and centre without a second thought. Uly was banned more than once. I have nothing to lose, but, I think, unlike you, most users will find this place more boring without me.
Русс, я готова с Вами согласиться насчёт того, что мы должны быть вежливее с теми, кто спрашивает. Только не забывайте о психологическом факторе: когда хорошие по форме и содержанию вопросы и переводы тонут в тоннах «чуши», трудно порой сдерживаться. Хотелось бы посмотреть, что останется от Вашей безупречной вежливости через годик-другой.
С трудом представляю, ведь даже в этом вопросе Ваш комментарий агрессивнее по форме и содержанию, чем всё, что написал Grumbler.
beat around the bush - работа над ошибками
Tatiana, a year or two????? The last week I have been coming here less frequently than before (i've been here for approx 2 months) I'm not sure how someone can last here for years....
Grumbler, no one is trying to change you. I don't see how you make this website merrier or funnier place by acting complacent or by rudely replying to other users. This is learning site, it doesn't have to be funny, people don't come here for entertainment.
You said "What sounds good to you sounds silly to me" meaning my way to reply to those kids is silly for you. That is actually an eye opened for me. I've got it now. Indeed - waste of time.
All I have left to say is here:
Пельмешки молодцы, как всегда ))
I appreciate the thought-provoking insights presented in this article. It goes beyond the obvious