to go down the memory lane reflecting on my past mistakes¿
перебирать в памяти ошибки прошлого
User translations (3)
Discussion (12)
cast back to one's past mistakes (?)
Tatiana, GO DOWN MEMORY LANE is an enjoyable thing when you meet old friends and remember the old days together.
I think REFLECT ON PAST MISTAKES is enough. I don’t really know what the Russian implies.
Grumbler, I’ve never heard that expression and in all fairness, I googled it in the first person and got no results:
А, хорошо, буду знать! Предаваться (приятным) воспоминаниям. 😉
It just means thinking about your past mistakes.
перебирать в памяти means browsing through things in your memory one by one, like browsing randomly through photos
cast back - I've never heard it either, but without "past mistakes" there are some results.
Then my translations are good.
CAST BACK literally means THROW BACK to me - I don’t see what this has to do with this post. Unless they mean to throw them out of your mind/conscience.
Thank you!