Tatiana, my gratitude is endless :)
Катя Сканави играет на рояле как королева музыки. Кажется, что для неё нет ничего невозможного. Она гений.
(Katia Skanavi)
User translations (2)
- 1.
Katia Skanavi can tickle the ivories like nobody's business. Is there nothing this girl can't do? She's a genius.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en3 - 2.
Katia Skanavi plays the piano like a concert pianist. It's like nothing is impossible for her. She's a (true) genius.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en3
Discussion (15)
Подождём... 😉
Elena, my gratitude is endless. :)
You're both - smart girls.
Само собой, Андриолли 😉
Андриолии, а если без шуток - Вы такая благодарная, спасибо Вам за Ваше такое отношение!
Это вам спасибо! )
I don't know if this is something you say in Russian, but we don't say "like a queen of music" in English.
Good to know! Может тогда music's queen?
Nope, they literally mean that Madonna is the queen of (pop) music, the reigning pop star.
Ага! Поняла. Мне кажется, в русском языке «королева музыки» - тоже немного перебор.
musical royalty?
What's the point of gilding the lily? "Like nobody's business" communicates the idea of superiority as is, I think.
Absolutely. If she’s not literally actually famous, it’s enough to say that she’s excellent, virtuous, extremely talented without going overboard and saying she’s the queen of music.
Улий, you know I appreciate your help. Thank you!
I agree, we don’t speak so. I was just looking for a comparison. And I found nothing better. "Queen of music" - it's my personal subjective opinion. :)