бросить жену
User translations (6)
- 1.
to ditch one’s wife
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en5 - 2.
to dump one's wife
translation added by Paddington BearGold ru-en5 - 3.
to kick the old ball and chain to the curb
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en4 - 4.
to leave one's wife
How can I motivate my lover to leave his wife?
Example translation
translation added by grumblerGold ru-en2 - 5.
to walk out on one's wife
A man doesn't just walk out on his wife and two children and disappears without a trace, right?
Example translation
translation added by grumblerGold ru-en1 - 6.
to abandon one's wife
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en1
Discussion (26)

Спасибо за ссылку, Paddington Bear. Повеселило about " the Good Man Trapped in a Bad Marriage" ))

Не то слово! 😜




Grumbler: ONE'S, otherwise great 👍🏼

Yes, I forgot that wife can be 'your' too.

Or MY 😉

In today's world women can have wives too...

In this case it's usually a 'partner'

*in THAT case


at least there are a lot of examples of "deserted his wife"
Collins dictionary:
Mrs Roding's husband deserted her years ago.

You can still be living with someone and desert them. It means to give up on somebody, to not be there for them, to not support them. Not necessarily to break up with them and go away.

I don’t know how it is in Canada, for example, but in the United States to desert someone is more psychological than physical. In the physical sense, I couldn’t imagine anyone saying “he deserted his wife“ to mean that he moved out of the house.

I see, thank you.

Same with abandon. A man usually abandons his family, not his wife. And again he can be living in the house and abandon them by not providing for them, not being a parent to them, not being a husband to her.

But there are a lot of examples where "abandon" is used as a synonym to "leave".
In this article, for instance

It’s not synonymous. You can leave your wife and NOT abandon her by continuing to support her, continuing to tend to the family business, continue to pay the mortgage, remain on friendly terms with her, support her during the split, etc.

Uly is right. "Abandon" and "desert" both have a deep psychological meaning and imply permanence. (Think of an abandoned ship and its owner who doesn't want it any more.) "Leave", on the other hand, simply refers to a marriage breakdown process, which, in fact, can be amicable and even reversible.

In that case it's usually a 'partner'
My next door neighbours are two women, who are legally married. Guess what? They refer to their other half as 'my wife' because they want to make it apparent they are, indeed, married! (I am not making it up.)

Paddington Bear, right, but you will agree that in this article

He did both!

+++Grumbler (Because he actually leaves her, doesn’t just turn his back on her)

in Russian, бросить жену implies both