Je vais faire pipi! +100!
I knew one french girl wjo even could say "Je vais faire caca". I think everybody got the meaning=)
But Iook, finaly it is natural. They are very ok for a small talk about sex without any dirty idea behind.
But yes, it is very french
Ola laadded a note 9 лет назад
I love France and I like French and for sure I like French food, but... I am kind of surprised of some French manners. I need a feedback, guys!
Am I only one who think that they are little bit obsessed with the food subject. The lunch break for 2 hours? Seriously? Or the 2 hours conversation how good is it the dish, how it taste and what is is inside or what they ate yesterday or 2 weeks ago or whatever... The conversation about source for a chicken grill don't inspire you? Sorry, welcome to my outsider' s club=)
And don't you also notices that they always comment that they are going to a pee (Je vais faire pipi)? Really! It is even cute but I preferred not to be informed about that detail!
And what French habit seems strange to you?
Discussion (10)
Ha! And what about wine for every meal? They are just can't eat without wine...almost. I always thought that it is a stereotype and it could not be, until I went to France and sow it myself!
Ola la, there are a lot of mistakes in your text :)
oh wine! yeah!! everytime everywhere even children are allowed 🍹🙀
Ah, Olga... it s English is quite far from being perfect, I even don't pretend to write without mistakes for the moment at least... one day may be!=)
Have you ever heard French speaking English? FUN! Just FUN!
They don't lose their strong accent even speaking good English. Can't stop me smiling!
If you come to a French restaurant you cannot ask a waiter to hurry up with the food. You do not come TO EAT to a French restaurant. You come to socialize :)
But actually it is true. French people eat so long just because they are talking during their mill.
I like the tradition that everybody can eat one dish together. Like “fondue”. It s awesome! You are so close everybody dipping your slices of bread into hot tasty cheese...Mmmm... It is so French!
Sure, the French food is great, But I was a bit surprised that they serve cheese for the desert. Different king of cheese, but cheese...
And they eat cheese with grapes or honey and jam. And it is even good!
If you stay in french hotel don't look for some eggs or cheese with ham for your breakfast. French only eat sweet things in the morning. Nutella, jam and toasts and coffee. So, be prepared=)