take a raincheck
User translations (1)
- 1.
перенести что-либо на другой раз (встретиться, зайти в гости)
translation added by Tatiana GerasimenkoGold en-ru2
Discussion (10)
Thanks God l have got somebody like you and Alex here!!That olga (no need for name calling)upset me. .l was about to delete my account here
Don't do this! Things happen. Disagreement and arguments are commonplace here. Just ignore some unpleasant things.
One more
It’s THANK GOD, not thankS god. Even little kids know that, dear native speaker. “That Olga” shouldn’t be the reason for deleting an account here. If you feel this way though, you should dig deeper for the real reason.
Chill out, Olga! Stop pestering the man.
Alexander, actually I’m totally chilled 😊 I just truly don’t understand people like David here.
Ольга, на каком языке Дейвид может задавать нам вопросы? На турецком? На немецком и французском он и так задаёт, только не здесь. Если он удалит свой аккаунт, будет какая-то польза? Вопросы у него бывают интересные. Перемирие возможно?
Татьяна, я же не против задавания вопросов на любом языке, который человеку удобен. Чем больше языков - тем лучше, это же здорово. Чего я искренне не понимаю, так это зачем при этом представляться носителем английского языка. Это не честно по отношению к пользователям, которые, поверив, начнут использовать его английский как пример для подражания.
Olga,at least this time you are right about my little mistake "it's THANK GOD" and l didn't realize that since my question was posed through a smartphone! If you use such a phone, l m sure that you know how they function whenever you want to write something, for example let's say you want to write. .tha...thanks appears automatically!l want to STATE THAT again, l have no reason to fool these people here and something more about last night : l really don't have time to take part in these discussions here because l m really so busy, l have a hotel to run but whenever Alex or Tanya asks for my version, l always try to provide it! !So if you want to play a detective, try it somewhere else please, l dont have time for you
I love this “at least this time you were right” 😊 Actually you make mistakes all the time, David. That’s why I’m sure you’re not a native speaker. You make non-native mistakes. “I really appreciate FOR explaining it...” is one of them. And you can’t blame your smartphone for it. Actually “thanks god” is a common non-native mistake too. I hate to break it to you, but I don’t need to play a detective, all I need is to read what you write here.
I don’t know you or what your reasons are and, to be honest, I couldn’t care less. But I do care about my friends here. I’ve known them for a long time, they’re good people and they deserve better.