⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 7 лет назад
Elena, "here we are" is the end of the sentence. It means something more like "a тут такое"
You thought you were getting better but here we are
You thought you were getting better but here we are...
EditedВы думали, вы выздоравливаете, а тут мы...
Elena, "here we are" is the end of the sentence. It means something more like "a тут такое"
Значит, и АЛ неправ. "А тут ..." Один мой знакомый в таких случаях приговаривал (уж простите): "Вдруг откуда ни возьмись появился Врот**ись." :)
Here's the original post: