Татьяна Бычковаasked for translation 7 years ago
How to translate? (en-ru)
to come to the screen
- 1.
выйти на экран
translation added by Alexander АkimovGold en-ru
Татьяна Бычковаasked for translation 7 years ago
How to translate? (en-ru)
the head to think
- 1.
(у тебя есть) голова, чтобы думать
translation added by Alexander АkimovGold en-ru
Татьяна Бычковаasked for translation 7 years ago
How to translate? (en-ru)
a prize winner
- 1.
Победитель; тот, кто получил награду
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold en-ru - 2.
призовой побидитель
translation added by Олег Машков
Татьяна Бычковаasked for translation 7 years ago
How to translate? (en-ru)
Probably the greatest honour that can come to an athlete is to win gold at the Olympic Games
- 1.
Наверное, величайшая честь, которая может достаться атлету, - это завоевать золото на Олимпийских Играх.
translation added by Анастасия Хробостова
Татьяна Бычковаasked for translation 8 years ago
How to translate? (ru-en)
Ученики должны ходить в том, в чем им удобно
- 1.
The students should wear the clothes that they are comfortable in.
translation added by Aleh LaGold ru-en - 2.
Pupils should wear clothes in which they feel comfortable.
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en
Татьяна Бычковаasked for translation 8 years ago
How to translate? (en-ru)
If was thrown to the ground
- 1.
* * *
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold en-ru
Татьяна Бычковаasked for translation 8 years ago
How to translate? (en-ru)
London Tube
- 1.
Лондонское метро
translation added by Ольга Татаринова
Татьяна Бычковаasked for translation 8 years ago
How to translate? (en-ru)
all over the world
- 1.
Во всём мире
translation added by Igor I. - 2.
через весь мир
translation added by Waldy Strangedude
Татьяна Бычковаasked for translation 8 years ago
How to translate? (en-ru)
can't see the eyes of the person you're speaking
- 1.
не видеть глаз человека , с которым ведётся беседа
translation added by Игорь Дроздов