Aurora Sánchez Martínezasked for translation 7 years ago
How to translate? (es-en)
Proceso de alta.
- 1.
translation added by Lana Lana
Aurora Sánchez Martínezasked for translation 8 years ago
How to translate? (es-en)
muy bien
- 1.
very good
translation added by Diana RODRIGUEZSilver es-en - 2.
muito bem
translation added by Paulo Henrique - 3.
really good.
translation added by Marissa ZebaduaBronze es-en
Aurora Sánchez Martínezasked for translation 8 years ago
How to translate? (es-en)
Estoy en busca de una válvula 13 con estas especificaciones. Me gustaría saber el costo, tiempo de entrega, y una ficha técnica.
#Business and economy
- 1.
I'm looking for a 13 valve with these specifications. I'd like to know the cost, delivery time and get a technical data sheet.
translation added by Diana RODRIGUEZSilver es-en