Slavb.Slavb Sasked for translation 6 лет назад
How to translate? (en-ru)
at travelling slim
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Slavb.Slavb Sasked for translation 6 лет назад
How to translate? (en-ru)
have clawed their way back to a measure of power in the US
- 1.
с большим трудом вернули свои рычаги влияния в США
translation added by Alex SvSilver en-ru
Slavb.Slavb Sasked for translation 7 лет назад
How to translate? (en-ru)
I caught my hand on the grill
- 1.
моя рука попала на решетку/гриль
translation added by grumblerGold en-ru - 2.
Я успел вовремя отдернуть руку от мангала
translation added by Pavel Shirokov
Slavb.Slavb Sasked for translation 7 лет назад
How to translate? (en-ru)
solid milk
- 1.
сухое молоко
translation added by Tatiana Tatiana