Арина Яковлеваasked for translation hace 8 años
How to translate? (ru-fr)
высокая мода
- 1.
Haute couture
translation added by Надежда К.Bronze ru-fr
Арина Яковлеваasked for translation hace 9 años
How to translate? (ru-fr)
на берегу
- 1.
au bord de (чего-то)
translation added by Анастасия Блюхтерова
Арина Яковлеваasked for translation hace 9 años
How to translate? (ru-fr)
уж не больны ли вы ?
- 1.
N'êtes-vous pas malade?
Vous n'êtes pas malade?
translation added by Evgeniya Bantyukova
Арина Яковлеваasked for translation hace 9 años
How to translate? (ru-fr)
он пришел вовремя
- 1.
Il est venu à temps. Il est venu à l'heure.
translation added by Evgeniya Bantyukova - 2.
He came on time.
translation added by Владимир Зародыш - 3.
Il a venu à temps.
translation added by Павел Хализов