O Dicionário Ucraniano-Inglês- Is based on the Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language which has been modernized with the help of more than 30 modern dictionaries such as Webster's, Oxford, and Random House as well as bilingual special dictionaries.
- Is based on the Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language which has been modernized with the help of more than 30 modern dictionaries such as Webster's, Oxford, and Random House as well as bilingual special dictionaries.
= прийти
to come; (прибути) to arrive; (виникати, з'являтися) to appear
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приходити до голови, приходити на ум — to think, to hit, to occur, to strike, to come into one's mind, to come to mind
приходити в порт — to make a port
приходити до висновку — to come to the conclusion
приходити до згоди — to make a bargain, to strike a bargain, to close a bargain, to come to terms with, to make terms with
приходити до компромісу (з кредитором) — to compound
приходити до свідомості (до пам'яті) — to come round, to come to oneself, to come to one's senses; to recover one's consciousness
приходити на допомогу — to come to the rescue, to relieve
приходити із запізненням — to be late; to be overdue
приходити першим — to come in first
приходити у відчай — to fall into despair
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Formas de palavra
Iнфiнiтив | приходити, приходить |
Минулий час | |
він приходив | ми, ви, вони приходили |
Майбутнiй час | |
я приходжу | ми приходим, приходимо |
Одн. | Множ. | |
Наказовий спосiб | приходь | приходьте |
Акт. дiєприкметник мин. часу | приходивший |
Дiєприслiвник мин. часу | приходивши |