sem exemplosEncontrados em 2 dicionários
O Dicionário Russo-Inglês de Telecomunicações- Contains about 34,000 terms related to:
- - modern means of communication,
- - alarm systems,
- - automation,
- - radio electronics,
- - electro acoustics,
- - computer hardware, and applied mathematics.
- Contains about 34,000 terms related to:
- - modern means of communication,
- - alarm systems,
- - automation,
- - radio electronics,
- - electro acoustics,
- - computer hardware, and applied mathematics.
тестовый набор
test pattern
Engineering (Ru-En)
тестовый набор
test pattern
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Exemplos de textos
Табл. 5-6. Сжатие/Тестовые наборыTable 4.27 Compression/test vectorsБодик, Гвинель Ле / Мобильные сообщения: службы и технологии SMS, EMS и МMSBodic, Gwenael Le / Mobile messaging technologies and services SMS, EMS and MMSMobile messaging technologies and services SMS, EMS and MMSBodic, Gwenael Le© 2005 John Wiley & Sons Lid.Мобильные сообщения: службы и технологии SMS, EMS и МMSБодик, Гвинель Ле© ООО «ИД КУДИЦ-ОБРАЗ»© 2003 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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алгоритмический генератор тестовых наборов
auto stimulus generator