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O Dicionário Russo-Inglês de Ciência da Computação- The present edition has been significantly enriched with terms from such areas as logical device design and modeling, knowledge engineering, production computerization, artificial intelligence systems, computer networks, digital signal processing, parallel and pipeline computations, system analysis, Internet Technology.
- The present edition has been significantly enriched with terms from such areas as logical device design and modeling, knowledge engineering, production computerization, artificial intelligence systems, computer networks, digital signal processing, parallel and pipeline computations, system analysis, Internet Technology.
ошибка при записи
write error
MechanicalEngineering (Ru-En)
ошибка при записи
transcription error
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Exemplos de textos
Как правило, надо проверять наличие ошибки при записи данных на сервер.As a general rule, you should always check for an error when you are recording input on the server.Гулич, Скотт,Гундаварам, Шишир,Бирзнекс, Гюнтер / CGI-программирование на PerlGuelich, Scott,Gundavaram, Shishir,Birznieks, Gunther / CGI Programming with PerlCGI Programming with PerlGuelich, Scott,Gundavaram, Shishir,Birznieks, Gunther© 2001 O'Reilly & Associates Inc.CGI-программирование на PerlГулич, Скотт,Гундаварам, Шишир,Бирзнекс, Гюнтер© 2000 O'Reilly & Associates Inc.© Издательство Символ-Плюс, 2001
LR-анализатор обнаруживает ошибку при обращении к таблице action синтаксического анализа и нахождении там записи об ошибке (при обращении к таблице goto ошибки не выявляются).An LR parser will detect an error when it consults the parsing action table and finds an error entry. Errors are never detected by consulting the goto table.Ахо, Альфред В.,Ульман, Джеффри,Сети, Рави / Компиляторы: принципы, технологии, инструментыAho, Alfred V.,Sethi, Ravi,Ullman, Jeffrey / Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and ToolsCompilers: Principles, Techniques, and ToolsAho, Alfred V.,Sethi, Ravi,Ullman, Jeffrey© 2001 by PEARSON EDUCATION NORTH ASIA LIMITED and PEOPLE'S POSTS & TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLISHING HOUSE© 1986Компиляторы: принципы, технологии, инструментыАхо, Альфред В.,Ульман, Джеффри,Сети, Рави© Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1985© 2001© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2001
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