sem exemplosEncontrado em 1 dicionário
O dicionário Inglês-Russo de Direito- Reflects the legal terminology of Great Britain and the USA and contains 46,000 terms and term combinations that cover:
- - international private and public law,
- - state law,
- - administrative law,
- - criminal law,
- - civil law,
- - commercial law,
- - courts,
- - patents, and copyright.
- Reflects the legal terminology of Great Britain and the USA and contains 46,000 terms and term combinations that cover:
- - international private and public law,
- - state law,
- - administrative law,
- - criminal law,
- - civil law,
- - commercial law,
- - courts,
- - patents, and copyright.
кабинет судьи
Exemplos de textos
Пока старшина готовил ему чай в углу кабинета, судья встал с черепашкой в руке и подошел к дальнему окну.While the sergeant was busying himself over the tea-table in the corner, the judge got up and went, with the tortoise in his hand, to the back window.Гулик, Роберт ван / Жемчужина императораGulik, Robert van / The Emperor's PearlThe Emperor's PearlGulik, Robert van© Robert H. van Gulik, 1963Жемчужина императораГулик, Роберт ван© Robert H. van Gulik, 1963© Перевод, ЗАО "Издательство "Центрполиграф", 2002
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кабинет судьи
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в кабинете судьи
in camera
в кабинете судьи
in chambers