sem exemplosEncontrado em 1 dicionário
O Dicionário Russo-Alemão- This is a completely new dictionary at the cutting edge of modern lexicography. The Dictionary contains 150,000 Russian words and expressions and their German equivalents.
- The Dictionary reflects the changes that have taken place in Russia and Germany in the past decades.
- This is a college-size dictionary designed to be used in for general conversations. The Dictionary is intended primarily for university students, school pupils and all those who wish to improve their German. Businessmen working with German partners will also find this Dictionary useful.
- This is a completely new dictionary at the cutting edge of modern lexicography. The Dictionary contains 150,000 Russian words and expressions and their German equivalents.
- The Dictionary reflects the changes that have taken place in Russia and Germany in the past decades.
- This is a college-size dictionary designed to be used in for general conversations. The Dictionary is intended primarily for university students, school pupils and all those who wish to improve their German. Businessmen working with German partners will also find this Dictionary useful.
Exemplos de textos
– Самый длинный в Европе, семьсот саженей.»Die längste in ganz Europa, siebenhundert Sashen.Акунин, Борис / Алмазная колесница, Том 1Akunin, Boris / Die Diamantene Kutsche, Buch 1Die Diamantene Kutsche, Buch 1Akunin, BorisАлмазная колесница, Том 1Акунин, Борис
В них используется расценка по семьсот тысяч фунтов за час.Ich habe die Tarife im Großrechner abgefragt. Eine Stunde Ring-Zeit schlägt mit siebenhunderttausend Pfund zu Buche.«Аллен, Роджер / Кольцо ХаронаAllen, Roger / Der Ring von CharonDer Ring von CharonAllen, Roger© 1990 by Roger MacBride Allen© 1997 by Wilhelm Heyne Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, MünchenКольцо ХаронаАллен, Роджер© 1990 by Roger MacBride Allen© ООО «Издательство ACT», 1996© перевод Н. Магнат
– Семьсот двадцать.»Siebenhundertzwanzig.Ремарк, Эрих Мария / Три товарищаRemarque, Erich Maria / Drei KameradenDrei KameradenRemarque, Erich Maria© 1964, 1991 by Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch, KölnТри товарищаРемарк, Эрих Мария© Издание. Издательство «ОЛМА-ПРЕСС», 2002
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Formas de palavra
Именительный | семьсот |
Родительный | семисот |
Дательный | семистам |
Винительный | семьсот |
Творительный | семьюстами |
Предложный | семистах |