O Novo Dicionário Latino-Russo - Contains over 200,000 words and phrases, including words from Vulgar Latin texts, and can be used to read and translate all the major surviving literary works, historical texts, legal documents, the most important texts of Christian patristic writings, and some works that were written in Latin before the second half of the 7th century.
- Contains over 200,000 words and phrases, including words from Vulgar Latin texts, and can be used to read and translate all the major surviving literary works, historical texts, legal documents, the most important texts of Christian patristic writings, and some works that were written in Latin before the second half of the 7th century.
tetendī, tentum (tensum), ere
тянуть, напрягать, протягивать, вытягивать (manus ad aliquem или alicui Cs)
натягивать (arcum V); пускать (sagittas arcu H); растягивать, расставлять (plagas C; insidias alicui Sl, C); надувать (vēla V); настраивать (barbĭton H); раскидывать, разбивать (praetorium Cs); разбивать палатки, располагаться лагерем (sub vallo Cs; illic tendebat Ulixes O)
направлять, держать (cursum Lcr, L etc.; iter Lcr etc.); направляться (Venusiam C; ad или in castra L); стремиться, тяготеть (in sublime PM; vertĭce ad auras, radīce in Tartăra V — о старом дубе)
питать склонность, склоняться (ad Carthaginienses L); стремиться, прилагать усилия, стараться, пытаться (manibus divellĕre nodos V); устремляться (ad gaudium Sen; tendit in ardua virtus O)
противоборствовать, бороться
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Formas de palavra
Praesens Indicativi Activi | |
tendo | tendimus |
tendis | tenditis |
tendit | tendunt |
Perfectum Indicativi Activi | |
tetendi | tetendimus |
tetendisti | tetendistis |
tetendit | tetendere, tetenderunt |
Imperfectum Indicativi Activi | |
tendebam | tendebamus |
tendebas | tendebatis |
tendebat | tendebant |
Plusquamperfectum Indicativi Activi | |
tetenderam | tetenderamus |
tetenderas | tetenderatis |
tetenderat | tetenderant |
Futurum I Indicativi Activi | |
tendam | tendemus |
tendes | tendetis |
tendet | tendent |
Futurum II Indicativi Activi | |
tetendero | tetenderimus |
tetenderis | tetenderitis |
tetenderit | tetenderint |
Praesens Coniunctivi Activi | |
tendam | tendamus |
tendas | tendatis |
tendat | tendant |
Perfectum Coniunctivi Activi | |
tetenderim | tetenderimus |
tetenderis | tetenderitis |
tetenderit | tetenderint |
Imperfectum Coniunctivi Activi | |
tenderem | tenderemus |
tenderes | tenderetis |
tenderet | tenderent |
Plusquamperfectum Coniunctivi Activi | |
tetendissem | tetendissemus |
tetendisses | tetendissetis |
tetendisset | tetendissent |
Praesens Indicativi Passivi | |
tendor | tendimur |
tenderis | tendimini |
tenditur | tenduntur |
Perfectum Indicativi Passivi | |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
Imperfectum Indicativi Passivi | |
tendebar | tendebamur |
tendebaris | tendebamini |
tendebatur | tendebantur |
Plusquamperfectum Indicativi Passivi | |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
Futurum I Indicativi Passivi | |
tendar | tendemur |
tenderis | tendemini |
tendetur | tendentur |
Futurum II Indicativi Passivi | |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
Praesens Coniunctivi Passivi | |
tendar | tendamur |
tendaris | tendamini |
tendatur | tendantur |
Perfectum Coniunctivi Passivi | |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
Imperfectum Coniunctivi Passivi | |
tenderer | tenderemur |
tendereris | tenderemini |
tenderetur | tenderentur |
Plusquamperfectum Coniunctivi Passivi | |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
tentus, tensus | tenti, tensi |
Imperativus | ||
2 Persona Singularis | tende | tendere |
2 Persona Pluralis | tendite | tendimini |
2 Persona Singularis | tendito | tenditor |
3 Persona Singularis | tendito | tenditor |
2 Persona Pluralis | tenditote | - |
3 Persona Pluralis | tendunto | tenduntor |
Infinitivi | ||
Praesens | tendere | tendi |
Perfectum | tetendisse | tentus, tensus |
Futurum | tenturus, tensurus | tentum, tensum |
Participium Praesentis Activi | tendens |
Participium Perfecti Passivi | tentus, tensus |
Participium Futuri Activi | tenturus, tensurus |
Gerundivum | tendendus |
Supinum I | tentum, tensum |
Supinum II | tentu, tensu |
Gerundium | |||||||
Genitivus | tendendi | tendendo | ad tendendum | tendendo |
Singularis | Pluralis | |
Nominativus | tendo | tendines |
Genitivus | tendinis | tendinum |
Dativus | tendini | tendinibus |
Accusativus | tendinem | tendines |
Ablativus | tendine | tendinibus |
Vocativus | tendo | tendines |