O Novo Dicionário Latino-Russo - Contains over 200,000 words and phrases, including words from Vulgar Latin texts, and can be used to read and translate all the major surviving literary works, historical texts, legal documents, the most important texts of Christian patristic writings, and some works that were written in Latin before the second half of the 7th century.
- Contains over 200,000 words and phrases, including words from Vulgar Latin texts, and can be used to read and translate all the major surviving literary works, historical texts, legal documents, the most important texts of Christian patristic writings, and some works that were written in Latin before the second half of the 7th century.
cum. acc. на вопрос «куда?»
в (ire in urbem Pl etc.; mittere in Asiam Nep; mutare aliquid in aliquid PM etc.)
в направлении, к (conspicere sursum in caelum Pl)
по отношению к (amor in patriam C; indulgentia in aliquem C)
к (in Ubios legatos mittere Cs)
относительно, о (hoc dicitur in philosophiam C)
против (oratio in Catilinam C)
в пользу, в защиту или в похвалу (carmen in aliquem scribere C; senatūs consultum in aliquem factum Cs; in libertatem alicujus pugnare L)
на (in umeros suos efferre C; ascendere in equum C; dividere in partes tres Cs; invitare aliquem in postĕrum diem C)
ради, для (cibo in vitam, non in voluptatem uti VP)
по, по примеру, подобно
cum abl. на вопрос «где?»
в (in urbe vivere C; in veste domesticā esse O; in fluvio Cs)
на (coronam habere in capite C; arx in monte sita L; in foro esse C)
у, среди (in barbaris Cs)
из (sapientissimus in Graecis C)
перед (in oculis esse C)
в течение (in multis annis Nep; bis in die C; in diebus paucis Ter)
во время (in bello C; in deliberando C; in itinere Cs)
при, в условиях
в отношении, по отношению к (fidelis in amicis Sl; crudelis in hoste C)
вследствие, из-за (in amicitia alicujus vituperari C)
в области (erudire in jure civili C)
в зависимости или во власти
in- (перед b, p, m — im-; перед l— il-; перед r— ir-)
praef. priv. не-, без-
приставка, соотв. русским в-, на-, воз-, при-
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