sem exemplosEncontrados em 2 dicionários
O Novo Dicionário Latino-Russo - Contains over 200,000 words and phrases, including words from Vulgar Latin texts, and can be used to read and translate all the major surviving literary works, historical texts, legal documents, the most important texts of Christian patristic writings, and some works that were written in Latin before the second half of the 7th century.
- Contains over 200,000 words and phrases, including words from Vulgar Latin texts, and can be used to read and translate all the major surviving literary works, historical texts, legal documents, the most important texts of Christian patristic writings, and some works that were written in Latin before the second half of the 7th century.
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A. (Aulus) — Авл
A. (Augustus) — Август; A. Августа
A. (annus) — год
A. A. A. (aurum, argentum, aes) — золото, серебро, медь
a. (antiquo или abdĭco) — отвергаю, отклоняю, голосую против нового предложения, или
(absolvo) — оправдываю —
a. d. (ante diem): a. d. VIII Kalendas Novembres — за 7 дней до ноябрьских календ
a. u. c. (ab urbe condita) — от основания Рима или
(anno urbis conditae) — в год от основания Рима
a. (auditor) —
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