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O Novo Dicionário Compreensivo Italiano-Russo - Сontains more than 300,000 words and phrases of contemporary Italian. Detailed entries contain extensive information about collocations and idioms. The Dictionary offers good coverage of scientific, media, technical, and sports terms.
- Сontains more than 300,000 words and phrases of contemporary Italian. Detailed entries contain extensive information about collocations and idioms. The Dictionary offers good coverage of scientific, media, technical, and sports terms.
куртка, пиджак; жакет (дамский); кофта
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ку́ртка; пиджа́к; жаке́т; ко́фтаExemplo
giacca da uomo / da donna — мужской / женский пиджак, мужская / женская куртка
giacca a un / a doppio petto — однобортная / двубортная куртка
giacca del pigiama — пижамная куртка
giacca da camera — домашняя куртка
giacca imbottita — ватная куртка, ватник
giacca a vento — штормовка, ветровка
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Formas de palavra
Sostantivo, Femminile
Singolare | giacca |
Plurale | giacche |