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sem exemplosEncontrado em 1 dicionário

O Dicionário Inglês-Ucraniano
  • The Dictionary is based on the Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language. The sources for the English part of the Dictionary include more than 30 modern dictionaries such as Webster's, Oxford, and Random House as well as bilingual special dictionaries.


  1. [plei]


    1. гра; забава; спорт. манера, стиль гри, гра

    2. азартна гра

    3. жарт

    4. п'єса, драма; вистава, спектакль

    5. володіння, уміння поводитися (зі зброєю, інструментом)

    6. рух

    7. переливи, гра (напр., кольорів)

    8. свобода, воля, простір (напр., почуттям)

    9. дія, діяльність

    10. тк.; sing хід, черга, подача (у грі)

    11. діал. страйк; канікули, вільний від занять час

    12. залицяння; весільний танець (у самців)

    13. програвання (диску, платівки)

    14. "преса", висвітлення в пресі

    15. тех. зазор; гра, люфт, вільний хід; хитання (частини механізму, приладу)

    16. авт. бовтанка

  2. [plei]


    1. грати, гратися, бавитися; зіграти жарт; розіграти; (with) жартувати; дуріти; каламбурити, обігравати значення слова; поводитися легковажно; (with) фліртувати; залицятися, заводити любовну інтрижку; австрал. розігрувати

    2. грати (у що-небудь), брати участь у грі

    3. робити хід, кидок; ходити (картою, шашкою); спорт. відбивати, подавати м'яч; використовувати у грі, виставляти, заявляти (гравця); вводити у гру (гравця)

    4. прикидатися; чинити, діяти (яким-небудь чином); нацьковувати один на одного; розглядати

    5. підходити для гри

    6. грати в азартні ігри; бути гравцем; грати на тоталізаторі або на перегонах (to play horses); робити ставки, ставити; грати (на біржі)

    7. виконувати (музичний твір); грати; виконувати, грати роль (тж. to play а; part); зніматися (у фільмі); брати участь, грати (у виставі)

    8. грати (на музичному інструменті); грати (про музику або музичний інструмент); супроводжувати музикою

    9. давати виставу; виконувати п'єсу

    10. сл. гастролювати; refl, pass виконуватися; демонструвати (фільм); іти (на екрані, у театрі); грати, працювати (про радіо, магнітофон)

    11. грати (чим-небудь); вертіти (що-небудь у руках)

    12. (on, upon) грати (на чому-небудь), скористатися (чим-небудь)

    13. порхати, носитися, танцювати; переливатися, грати; миготіти; тремтіти, тріпотіти

    14. бити (про струмінь)

    15. (on, upon, over) направляти; стріляти

    16. приводити в дію, пускати (play off)

    17. тех. мати люфт; хитатися

    18. діал. страйкувати; бути на канікулах

    19. водити (рибу)

    20. сл. опікувати, захищати; співробітничати

    21. спец. поміщати, розміщати (статтю, фотографію) на певному місці (у газеті, журналі)

Adicionar ao meu dicionário

pleiSubstantivo neutroгра; забава; манера; стиль гри; граExemplo

fair play — гра за правилами
foul play — гра з порушенням правил; комбінація; боротьба; бій

Traduções de usuários

Categoria gramatical não definida

  1. 1.


    Tradução adicionada por Андрій Л


play upon words
гра слів

Formas de palavra


Common caseplayplays
Possessive caseplay'splays'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)playing
Past Participle (Participle II)played
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I playwe play
you playyou play
he/she/it playsthey play
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am playingwe are playing
you are playingyou are playing
he/she/it is playingthey are playing
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have playedwe have played
you have playedyou have played
he/she/it has playedthey have played
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been playingwe have been playing
you have been playingyou have been playing
he/she/it has been playingthey have been playing
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I playedwe played
you playedyou played
he/she/it playedthey played
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was playingwe were playing
you were playingyou were playing
he/she/it was playingthey were playing
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had playedwe had played
you had playedyou had played
he/she/it had playedthey had played
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been playingwe had been playing
you had been playingyou had been playing
he/she/it had been playingthey had been playing
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will playwe shall/will play
you will playyou will play
he/she/it will playthey will play
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be playingwe shall/will be playing
you will be playingyou will be playing
he/she/it will be playingthey will be playing
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have playedwe shall/will have played
you will have playedyou will have played
he/she/it will have playedthey will have played
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been playingwe shall/will have been playing
you will have been playingyou will have been playing
he/she/it will have been playingthey will have been playing
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would playwe should/would play
you would playyou would play
he/she/it would playthey would play
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be playingwe should/would be playing
you would be playingyou would be playing
he/she/it would be playingthey would be playing
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have playedwe should/would have played
you would have playedyou would have played
he/she/it would have playedthey would have played
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been playingwe should/would have been playing
you would have been playingyou would have been playing
he/she/it would have been playingthey would have been playing
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am playedwe are played
you are playedyou are played
he/she/it is playedthey are played
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being playedwe are being played
you are being playedyou are being played
he/she/it is being playedthey are being played
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been playedwe have been played
you have been playedyou have been played
he/she/it has been playedthey have been played
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was playedwe were played
you were playedyou were played
he/she/it was playedthey were played
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being playedwe were being played
you were being playedyou were being played
he/she/it was being playedthey were being played
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been playedwe had been played
you had been playedyou had been played
he/she/it had been playedthey had been played
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be playedwe shall/will be played
you will be playedyou will be played
he/she/it will be playedthey will be played
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been playedwe shall/will have been played
you will have been playedyou will have been played
he/she/it will have been playedthey will have been played