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sem exemplosEncontrado em 1 dicionário

O Dicionário Inglês-Ucraniano
  • dicts.universal_en_uk.description


  1. [hæv]


    1. pl заможні

    2. обман, обдурювання

    1. мати

    2. володіти

    3. складатися з

    4. одержувати, отримувати; придбавати; дізнаватися, довідуватися; домагатися; заробляти

    5. знаходитися; бути

    6. відбуватися, траплятися

    7. знати; уміти

    8. засвоювати, розуміти; знайти рішення

    9. взяти за дружину або чоловіка

    10. приймати (гостя); взяти, прийняти (у друзі, в учні)

    11. здолати, узяти гору, перемогти (have it); обдурити, обійти, перехитрити

    12. проводити (час)

    13. приймати (їжу); їсти, пити

    14. народити; приносити (потомство); мати (дітей)

    15. тримати (у своїй владі)

    16. переживати (події)

    17. відчувати, зазнавати (болю); переносити (захворювання)

    18. проявляти (почуття)

    19. бути наділеним (владою, правом)

    20. приводити, призводити (до результату)

    21. have got get2, 3; мати в наявності

Exemplos de textos

Make sure the dictionary file is located in the right folder and that you have read access.
Перевірте, що файл словника знаходиться за потрібним шляхом і у вас є до нього доступ на читання.
ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3
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ABBYY Lingvo x
Dictionaries present on the bookshelf have checkmarks next to them.
Словники, які стоять на полиці, відзначені в переліку галочкою.
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ABBYY Lingvo x
Suppose you want to fill in a questionnaire, and you have an Excel worksheet or a database with the necessary info, entered by a group of people.
Якщо вам потрібно заповнити анкету, і у вас є таблиця Excel або база даних з необхідною інформацією, введеною групою людей.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
You can save the same recognized text multiple times to have the results in several formats.
Якщо потрібно отримати результати в кількох форматах, розпізнаний текст можна зберегти кілька разів.
Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
гальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
Загальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade
troducing ABBYY FineReader
Introducing ABBYY FineReade
An entry headword can have an unsorted part.
У заголовку може бути визначена частина, що не сортується.
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Once you have entered their translations in the Translation field, the cards will be available for exercises.
Після заповнення полючи Переклад вони стануть доступними для завчання.
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BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
If you have any questions regarding the use of ABBYY FineReader, please consult all the documentation you have (the User's Guide and Help) before contacting our technical support service.
Якщо Ви маєте запитання про використання програми ABBYY FіneReader, спершу перегляньте всю наявну документацію (посібник користувача та довідку) перед звертанням до служби технічної підтримки ABBYY.
Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
гальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
Загальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade
troducing ABBYY FineReader
Introducing ABBYY FineReade
Cards that have been displayed in an exercise and to which the user has given the specified number of correct answers have the Learnt status. Cards that have been postponed have the Postponed status.
Статус Вивчено привласнюється карткам після заданої кількості правильних перекладів.Статус Відкласти можна привласнити карткам з перекладом, якщо ви не хочете в даний момент них учитися.
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BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
You can also change the interface language after you have installed the program.
Крім того, мову інтерфейсу можна змінити після інсталяції програми.
Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
гальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
Загальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade
troducing ABBYY FineReader
Introducing ABBYY FineReade
Only some dictionaries have recorded pronunciations.
Озвучені слова є не в усіх словниках, а лише в деяких.
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ABBYY Lingvo x
the pages in the Text window will have a gray background
сторінки у вікні Текст матимуть сірий фон;
Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
гальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
Загальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade
troducing ABBYY FineReader
Introducing ABBYY FineReade
Inaccessible dictionary is a dictionary you do not have access to and which cannot be used.
Недосяжний словник — словник, до якого немає доступу і який не може використовуватися.
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BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
If the form fields and the respective CSV file columns have the same names, you can just click the Automatically button.
Якщо поля форми та відповідні колонки CSV файлу мають однакові назви, то вам лише потрібно натиснути на кнопку Автоматично.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
Wait for the indexing to complete (if you have added a large dictionary, the indexing may take several minutes).
Почекайте, поки індексування завершиться (якщо доданий словник має великий обсяг, індексування може зайняти декілька хвилин).
ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3
BYY Lingvo x3
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BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
If you don't have a scanner, you can open an image file (*.bmp, *.tif, *.jpg, *pcx, *.png, *.dcx) containing a form image and fill-in this form.
Якщо у вас не має сканера, ви можете відкрити файл зображення (*.bmp, *.tif, *.jpg, *pcx, *.png, *.dcx), який містить зображення форми та заповнити цю форму.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille

Adicionar ao meu dicionário

hævSubstantivo neutroзаможні

Traduções de usuários

Categoria gramatical não definida

  1. 1.


    Tradução adicionada por АНЯ КЕТ


have one's head in the clouds
витати в небесах
have the upper hand
have the upper hand
мати перевагу

Formas de palavra


Common casehavehaves
Possessive casehave'shaves'


Basic forms
Imperativehave, ve
Present Participle (Participle I)having, *havin'
Past Participle (Participle II)had
Present Indefinite, Active Voice, Affirmative
I havewe have
you have, *hastyou have
he/she/it has, *haththey have
Present Indefinite, Active Voice, Negative
I haven't, *han'twe haven't, *han't
you haven't, *han'tyou haven't, *han't
he/she/it hasn't, *han'tthey haven't, *han't
Present Continuous, Active Voice, Affirmative
I am having, *havin'we are having, *havin'
you are having, *havin'you are having, *havin'
he/she/it is having, *havin'they are having, *havin'
Present Perfect, Active Voice, Affirmative
I have hadwe have had
you have hadyou have had
he/she/it has hadthey have had
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice, Affirmative
I have been having, *havin'we have been having, *havin'
you have been having, *havin'you have been having, *havin'
he/she/it has been having, *havin'they have been having, *havin'
Past Indefinite, Active Voice, Affirmative
I hadwe had
you hadyou had
he/she/it hadthey had
Past Indefinite, Active Voice, Negative
I hadn'twe hadn't
you hadn'tyou hadn't
he/she/it hadn'tthey hadn't
Past Continuous, Active Voice, Affirmative
I was having, *havin'we were having, *havin'
you were having, *havin'you were having, *havin'
he/she/it was having, *havin'they were having, *havin'
Past Perfect, Active Voice, Affirmative
I had hadwe had had
you had hadyou had had
he/she/it had hadthey had had
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice, Affirmative
I had been having, *havin'we had been having, *havin'
you had been having, *havin'you had been having, *havin'
he/she/it had been having, *havin'they had been having, *havin'
Future Indefinite, Active Voice, Affirmative
I shall/will have, vewe shall/will have, ve
you will have, veyou will have, ve
he/she/it will have, vethey will have, ve
Future Continuous, Active Voice, Affirmative
I shall/will be having, *havin'we shall/will be having, *havin'
you will be having, *havin'you will be having, *havin'
he/she/it will be having, *havin'they will be having, *havin'
Future Perfect, Active Voice, Affirmative
I shall/will have hadwe shall/will have had
you will have hadyou will have had
he/she/it will have hadthey will have had
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice, Affirmative
I shall/will have been having, *havin'we shall/will have been having, *havin'
you will have been having, *havin'you will have been having, *havin'
he/she/it will have been having, *havin'they will have been having, *havin'
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice, Affirmative
I should/would have, vewe should/would have, ve
you would have, veyou would have, ve
he/she/it would have, vethey would have, ve
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice, Affirmative
I should/would be having, *havin'we should/would be having, *havin'
you would be having, *havin'you would be having, *havin'
he/she/it would be having, *havin'they would be having, *havin'
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice, Affirmative
I should/would have hadwe should/would have had
you would have hadyou would have had
he/she/it would have hadthey would have had
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice, Affirmative
I should/would have been having, *havin'we should/would have been having, *havin'
you would have been having, *havin'you would have been having, *havin'
he/she/it would have been having, *havin'they would have been having, *havin'
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice, Affirmative
I am hadwe are had
you are hadyou are had
he/she/it is hadthey are had
Present Continuous, Passive Voice, Affirmative
I am being hadwe are being had
you are being hadyou are being had
he/she/it is being hadthey are being had
Present Perfect, Passive Voice, Affirmative
I have been hadwe have been had
you have been hadyou have been had
he/she/it has been hadthey have been had
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice, Affirmative
I was hadwe were had
you were hadyou were had
he/she/it was hadthey were had
Past Continuous, Passive Voice, Affirmative
I was being hadwe were being had
you were being hadyou were being had
he/she/it was being hadthey were being had
Past Perfect, Passive Voice, Affirmative
I had been hadwe had been had
you had been hadyou had been had
he/she/it had been hadthey had been had
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice, Affirmative
I shall/will be hadwe shall/will be had
you will be hadyou will be had
he/she/it will be hadthey will be had
Future Perfect, Passive Voice, Affirmative
I shall/will have been hadwe shall/will have been had
you will have been hadyou will have been had
he/she/it will have been hadthey will have been had