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sem exemplosEncontrado em 1 dicionário

O Dicionário Inglês-Ucraniano
  • The Dictionary is based on the Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language. The sources for the English part of the Dictionary include more than 30 modern dictionaries such as Webster's, Oxford, and Random House as well as bilingual special dictionaries.


  1. ['fɔləʊ]


    удар накатом, накат (більярд)

  2. ['fɔləʊ]


    1. іти, їхати слідом (услід) (за ким-небудь, чим-небудь); супроводжувати

    2. іти за, наставати після; бути спадкоємцем

    3. переслідувати (кого-небудь); стежити (за ким-небудь); стежити поглядом

    4. іти, притримуватися (якого-небудь) напрямку

    5. дотримуватися; дотримувати (закону, правил)

    6. розуміти; уважно стежити (за ходом думки, словами); слухати; стежити, цікавитися

    7. наслідувати приклад, бути послідовником

    8. (логічно) випливати з; залежати, відповідати

    9. займатися (чим-небудь); обирати (що-небудь) своєю професією

    10. (with) подавати (після чого-небудь)

Exemplos de textos

Words in each of the languages are arranged in their "natural" dictionary order (i.e. alphabetically); Cyrillic letters follow Latin letters.
При сортуванню для букв кожної мови використовується " природний " лексикографічний порядок, а всі російські букви вважаються ідучими після всіх англійських.
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The SOFTWARE may include software protection mechanisms and you agree to follow the instructions contained in the SOFTWARE in order to comply with such protection mechanisms.
ПЗ може включати в себе механізми захисту, і Ви погоджуєтеся дотримуватись інструкцій, що містяться в ПЗ, щоб виконувати вимоги таких механізмів захисту.
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troducing ABBYY FineReader
Introducing ABBYY FineReade
To complete the activation process, follow the instructions of the Activation Wizard.
Для завершення процесу активації додержуйтеся інструкцій «Майстра активації».
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To download more languages, select Start/All Programs/ABBYY FineReader 9.0/Download more languages and follow the instructions.
Щоб завантажити додаткові мови, виберіть пункт меню Пуск/Програми/ABBYY FineReader 9.0/Завантажити додаткові мови і дотримуйтесь інструкцій програми.
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troducing ABBYY FineReader
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To follow a hyperlink, hold down the CTRL button and click the hyperlink.
Щоб перейти за гіперпосиланням, натисніть його, утримуючи натиснутою клавішу CTRL.
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Follow the system instructions.
Дотримуйтесь вказівок системи.
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Follow the setup instructions.
Дотримуйтеся вказівок програми інсталяції.
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troducing ABBYY FineReader
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Follow the instructions of the Activation Wizard.
Дотримуйтеся вказівок майстра активації.
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troducing ABBYY FineReader
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Follow the instructions of the setup program.
Дотримуйтеся вказівок програми інсталяції.
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troducing ABBYY FineReader
Introducing ABBYY FineReade
If the Correct image skew option was disabled when the image was scanned, do the following to correct the skew:
Якщо під час сканування зображення параметр Виправляти викривлення був неактивним, для виправлення викривлення виконайте такі дії:
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For example, the date June the 5th 2001 will look as follows in the d.M.y format - 5.6.1.
Наприклад, дата 5-е червня 2001 року виглядатиме так у форматі д.М.р - 5.6.1.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
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In the Text window, you can do the following:
У вікні Текст можна виконувати такі дії:
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Specify the following in the dialog:
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atures of ABBYY FormFiller
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Adicionar ao meu dicionário

'fɔləʊSubstantivo neutroудар накатом; накат

Traduções de usuários

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follow suit
слідувати прикладу
follow suit
слідувати (чийомусь) прикладу

Formas de palavra


noun, singular
Common casefollow
Possessive casefollow's


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)following
Past Participle (Participle II)followed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I followwe follow
you followyou follow
he/she/it followsthey follow
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am followingwe are following
you are followingyou are following
he/she/it is followingthey are following
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have followedwe have followed
you have followedyou have followed
he/she/it has followedthey have followed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been followingwe have been following
you have been followingyou have been following
he/she/it has been followingthey have been following
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I followedwe followed
you followedyou followed
he/she/it followedthey followed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was followingwe were following
you were followingyou were following
he/she/it was followingthey were following
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had followedwe had followed
you had followedyou had followed
he/she/it had followedthey had followed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been followingwe had been following
you had been followingyou had been following
he/she/it had been followingthey had been following
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will followwe shall/will follow
you will followyou will follow
he/she/it will followthey will follow
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be followingwe shall/will be following
you will be followingyou will be following
he/she/it will be followingthey will be following
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have followedwe shall/will have followed
you will have followedyou will have followed
he/she/it will have followedthey will have followed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been followingwe shall/will have been following
you will have been followingyou will have been following
he/she/it will have been followingthey will have been following
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would followwe should/would follow
you would followyou would follow
he/she/it would followthey would follow
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be followingwe should/would be following
you would be followingyou would be following
he/she/it would be followingthey would be following
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have followedwe should/would have followed
you would have followedyou would have followed
he/she/it would have followedthey would have followed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been followingwe should/would have been following
you would have been followingyou would have been following
he/she/it would have been followingthey would have been following
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am followedwe are followed
you are followedyou are followed
he/she/it is followedthey are followed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being followedwe are being followed
you are being followedyou are being followed
he/she/it is being followedthey are being followed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been followedwe have been followed
you have been followedyou have been followed
he/she/it has been followedthey have been followed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was followedwe were followed
you were followedyou were followed
he/she/it was followedthey were followed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being followedwe were being followed
you were being followedyou were being followed
he/she/it was being followedthey were being followed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been followedwe had been followed
you had been followedyou had been followed
he/she/it had been followedthey had been followed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be followedwe shall/will be followed
you will be followedyou will be followed
he/she/it will be followedthey will be followed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been followedwe shall/will have been followed
you will have been followedyou will have been followed
he/she/it will have been followedthey will have been followed