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The house was old and low, of thick stone and plaster walls; the paneled rooms were lined with the china, the portraits, and the swords of Twyfords for three hundred years; and between the wings was a walled garden dazzling with hibiscus.
Дом был старый и низкий, оштукатуренный, с толстыми каменными стенами; в комнатах — деревянная панель, фарфор, портреты и шпаги Твифордов за три сотни лет; а между крыльями дома — обнесенный оградой сад в ослепительном блеске шаронских роз.
Lewis, Sinclair / ArrowsmithЛьюис, Синклер / Эрроусмит
Льюис, Синклер
© "Государственное издательство художественной литературы", 1956
Lewis, Sinclair
© 2002 by Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., New York, N.Y.
© 1925 by Harcourt, Inc.
© renewed 1953 by Michael Lewis
Some are walled up or in treadmills or at the bottom of shafts.
Некоторые замурованы внутри рабочих колес или валов, кого-то отправили в шахты.
Pratchett, Terry / Feet of ClayПратчетт,Терри / Ноги из глины
Ноги из глины
© Издание на русском языке, оформление ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2006
© Перевод М. Губайдуллин, А. Жикаренцев, 2006
© 1996 by Terry and Lyn Pratchett
Feet of Clay
Pratchett, Terry
© 1996 by Terry and Lyn Pratchett
It was an eighteen-cell jail and there were walled-off recesses for solitary confinement.
На восемнадцать камер тюрьма, да одиночки из камер нагорожены.
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr / One Day in the Life of Ivan DenisovichСолженицын, Александр / Один день из жизни Ивана Денисовича
Один день из жизни Ивана Денисовича
Солженицын, Александр
© Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, 1978
© Издательский Дом "Азбука-классикка", 2008
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
© 1995 Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Except for a thin- walled, narrow casing that housed the brain, the DBLF species had no bone structure.
Мало того, что головной мозг ДБЛФ был заключен в тонкостенную, крайне хрупкую черепную коробку. Кроме этой коробки, костей в теле кельгиан вообще не было.
White, James / QuarantineУайт, Джеймс / Карантин
Уайт, Джеймс
White, James
© 2002 by the Estate of James White
© 1980 by James White
So she was lying on woven reeds in a loose-walled hut cooled only by the wind.
Итак, она лежала на сплетенной из камыша циновке в хижине, где прохладу создавал только ветер, свободно проникавший сквозь стены.
Card, Orson Scott / Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher ColumbusКард, Орсон Скот / Искупление Христофора Колумба
Искупление Христофора Колумба
Кард, Орсон Скот
Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus
Card, Orson Scott
© 1996 by Orson Scott Card
In the three-sinusoidal gear the grooves in all cages are made endless, and between conjugated surfaces of cages there is located a thin-walled separator (at FIG. 13 it is not shown).
Для трехсинусоидной передачи дорожки качения на всех обоймах должны быть выполнены замкнутыми, и между сопрягаемыми поверхностями обойм должен находится тонкостенный сепаратор (на фиг. 13 не показан).
The tea-merchant's face fell, but he made a resigned bow and took them along a covered corridor that went round the main hall to a walled garden at the back, lined by rows of potted flowers.
По лицу чаеторговца пробежала тень, но он покорно склонился и повел их крытым коридором, уставленным рядами цветов в горшках и ведущим вокруг главного зала в огороженный сад за домом.
Gulik, Robert van / Poets and MurderГулик, Роберт ван / Поэты и убийцы
Поэты и убийцы
Гулик, Роберт ван
© Перевод, ЗАО "Издательство "Центрполиграф", 2002
© 1968 by Robert van Gulik
Poets and Murder
Gulik, Robert van
© 1968 by Robert van Gulik
Only the cities continue to provide refuge, walled camps in which survivors have banded together in a desperate effort to keep the madness at bay.
Только крупные города способны поддерживать жизнь беглецов — лагеря под крышами, где выжившие собираются в кучи, отчаянно пытаясь избежать безумия.
Brooks, Terry / Running with the demonБрукс, Терри / Бегущая с демоном
Бегущая с демоном
Брукс, Терри
Running with the demon
Brooks, Terry
© 1997 by Terry Brooks
Saint-Matthieu-des-Pyrénées-Orientales sits at a height of four thousand feet above sea level-and the sea is not as distant as this walled-in landscape with its wheeling eagles would have you believe.
Монастырь Святого Матфея расположен на высоте четырех тысяч футов над уровнем моря — а море к нему гораздо ближе, чем думается, в этой замкнутой стенами гор местности, над которой кружат орлы.
Kostova, Elisabeth / The HistorianКостова, Элизабет / Историк
Костова, Элизабет
© Перевод. Г. Соловьева, 2005
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2005
© Elizabeth Kostova, 2005
The Historian
Kostova, Elisabeth
© 2005 by Elizabeth Kostova
In the device shown at FIG. 17 insert 40 with slots 43 also serves as a thin-walled separator, fixing balls 2 on identical angular distance from each other in the endless periodically bent grooves 3' and 4'.
В преобразователе на фиг. 17 вставка 40 с лунками 43 выполняет также функцию тонкостенного сепаратора, фиксируя 5 шарики 2 на одинаковом угловом расстояние друг от друга в замкнутых периодически изогнутых дорожках качения 3' и 4'.
A thin-walled separator 20, intended for mutual angular fixation of balls 2 while balls are running upon crests and valleys of simultaneously all three periodic grooves.
Тонкостенный сепаратор 20, так же как и в прототипе, служит для взаимного углового фиксирования шариков 2 при прохождении ими выступов или впадин одновременно всех трех периодических дорожек качения.
You must journey through those mountains till you find a green valley with a blue lake in it, walled round by mountains of ice.
Пройдя через горы, отыщи зеленую долину с голубым озером, окруженным ледяными пиками.
Lewis, Clive S. / The Magician's NephewЛьюис, Клайв С. / Племянник чародея
Племянник чародея
Льюис, Клайв С.
© Перевод Н. Трауберг, 2010
© Издание на русском языке ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2010
The Magician's Nephew
Lewis, Clive S.
© 1955 by C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd.
© renewed 1983 by C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd.
'Until six years ago, my father, the merchant Abdallah, also owned the house opposite. After he had sold it, the door at the other end was walled up.'
— Шесть лет назад мой родитель, торговец Абдалла, владел и домом на той стороне улицы, но после того, как он продал второй дом, дверь с нашего конца заложили.
Gulik, Robert van / Murder in CantonГулик, Роберт ван / Убийство в Кантоне
Убийство в Кантоне
Гулик, Роберт ван
© 1966 by Robert van Gulik
© Перевод, ЗАО "Издательство "Центрполиграф", 2002
Murder in Canton
Gulik, Robert van
© 1966 by Robert van Gulik
To his right the way was dark, so he turned left, turned again at an L, and found himself back in the concrete-walled silence of the garage again.
Направо было темно, так что он свернул налево и снова очутился среди каменных стен подземного гаража.
DeChancie, John / Castle PerilousДе Ченси, Джон / Замок Опасный
Замок Опасный
Де Ченси, Джон
Castle Perilous
DeChancie, John
© 1988 by John DeChancie
The corridor then went into a series of lefts and rights, finally debouching into a room that looked identical to the one in which they had first noticed the rising floor — stone walled, bereft of furnishings, and somewhat trapezoidal.
После нескольких поворотов коридор завершился комнатой, ничем не отличавшейся от той, с поднимающимся полом, — трапециевидной формы, с каменными стенами, без какой-либо мебели.
DeChancie, John / Castle PerilousДе Ченси, Джон / Замок Опасный
Замок Опасный
Де Ченси, Джон
Castle Perilous
DeChancie, John
© 1988 by John DeChancie

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wɔːldAdjetivoобнесённый стеной

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double walled
double walled
с двойными стенками
с двойной оболочкой
double-walled tube
труба с двойными стенками
heavy-walled tube
толстостенная труба
oxide-walled emitter
эмиттер с боковой изоляцией оксидом
thick-walled tube
толстостенная труба
thin-walled section
тонкостенное сечение

Formas de palavra


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)walling
Past Participle (Participle II)walled
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I wallwe wall
you wallyou wall
he/she/it wallsthey wall
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am wallingwe are walling
you are wallingyou are walling
he/she/it is wallingthey are walling
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have walledwe have walled
you have walledyou have walled
he/she/it has walledthey have walled
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been wallingwe have been walling
you have been wallingyou have been walling
he/she/it has been wallingthey have been walling
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I walledwe walled
you walledyou walled
he/she/it walledthey walled
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was wallingwe were walling
you were wallingyou were walling
he/she/it was wallingthey were walling
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had walledwe had walled
you had walledyou had walled
he/she/it had walledthey had walled
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been wallingwe had been walling
you had been wallingyou had been walling
he/she/it had been wallingthey had been walling
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will wallwe shall/will wall
you will wallyou will wall
he/she/it will wallthey will wall
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be wallingwe shall/will be walling
you will be wallingyou will be walling
he/she/it will be wallingthey will be walling
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have walledwe shall/will have walled
you will have walledyou will have walled
he/she/it will have walledthey will have walled
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been wallingwe shall/will have been walling
you will have been wallingyou will have been walling
he/she/it will have been wallingthey will have been walling
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would wallwe should/would wall
you would wallyou would wall
he/she/it would wallthey would wall
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be wallingwe should/would be walling
you would be wallingyou would be walling
he/she/it would be wallingthey would be walling
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have walledwe should/would have walled
you would have walledyou would have walled
he/she/it would have walledthey would have walled
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been wallingwe should/would have been walling
you would have been wallingyou would have been walling
he/she/it would have been wallingthey would have been walling
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am walledwe are walled
you are walledyou are walled
he/she/it is walledthey are walled
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being walledwe are being walled
you are being walledyou are being walled
he/she/it is being walledthey are being walled
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been walledwe have been walled
you have been walledyou have been walled
he/she/it has been walledthey have been walled
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was walledwe were walled
you were walledyou were walled
he/she/it was walledthey were walled
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being walledwe were being walled
you were being walledyou were being walled
he/she/it was being walledthey were being walled
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been walledwe had been walled
you had been walledyou had been walled
he/she/it had been walledthey had been walled
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be walledwe shall/will be walled
you will be walledyou will be walled
he/she/it will be walledthey will be walled
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been walledwe shall/will have been walled
you will have been walledyou will have been walled
he/she/it will have been walledthey will have been walled