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O Dicionário Universal Inglês-Russo
  • It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.


[θʌm] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.

      1. большой палец (руки)

      2. большой палец перчатки, рукавицы

    1. выступающая часть (чего-л.)

    2. мера длины (приравнивается к одному дюйму)

  2. гл.

    1. = thumb through листать, смотреть (журнал, книгу)

    2. уминать, разравнивать, утрамбовывать (пальцем)

    3. разг. голосовать на дороге, путешествовать автостопом (в Европе традиционным жестом для автостопа является поднятый вверх большой палец)

    4. замусолить, растрепать, испачкать (в результате неаккуратного или чрезмерного использования)

Biology (En-Ru)


  1. большой палец (руки)

  2. ихт. подкаменщик (Cottus gobio)

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Exemplos de textos

Tilting your thumbs very slightly, use the whole length of your thumb to push the muscle away from you.
Слегка наклоняя большие пальцы, используйте всю их длину для отталкивания мышцы от себя.
Mumford, Susan / Sensual MassageМамфорд, Сюзан / Чувственный массаж
Чувственный массаж
Мамфорд, Сюзан
© 2002 Octopus Publishing Group Ltd
© "Омега", издание на русском языке, 2004
Sensual Massage
Mumford, Susan
© Susan Mumford 1994
© 1994, 2001 Octopus Publishing Group Limited
She nodded. Turning to the rest of the team, she pointed a thumb at Ben. "Let's do it, then.
Эшли согласно кивнула и, повернувшись к остальным, сказала: – Сделаем так, как предлагает Бен.
Rollins, James / SubterraneanРоллинс, Джеймс / Пещера
Роллинс, Джеймс
© 1999 by Jim Czajkowski
© А. Новиков, перевод, 2008
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", издание на русском языке, 2008
Rollins, James
© 1999 by Jim Czajkowski
His thumb tipped her head back, exposing her throat, his mouth clamped to her skin, his throat working as if he were devouring her, feeding on her, drinking her in.
Он откинул ее голову назад и прижался ртом к коже у горла, словно пил ее, поглощал, питался ею.
Feehan, Christine / Dark PrinceФихан, Кристин / Темный принц
Темный принц
Фихан, Кристин
© 1999 by Christine Feehan
© Наумова Г., перевод на русский язык, 2010
© Издание на русском языке. ООО «Издательство «Эксмо». 2010
Dark Prince
Feehan, Christine
© 1999 by Christine Feehan
Their toes were longer than those of humans, and the great toe appeared to be a kind of thumb, not fully opposable but functional enough to make them good climbers.
Пальцы ног длиной превосходили человеческие, один, похоже, выполнял роль большого пальца руки, достаточно функциональный для того, чтобы они могли ловко лазать по деревьям.
Koontz, Dean Ray / BreathlessКунц, Дин / Затаив дыхание
Затаив дыхание
Кунц, Дин
© В. Вебер, перевод на русский язык, 2010
© 2009 by Dean Koontz
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2010
Koontz, Dean Ray
© 2009 by Dean Koontz
As a rule of thumb only structures larger than the wavelength of the radiation can be resolved.
Согласно эмпирическому правилу, только структуры большие, чем длина волны излучения, могут быть разрешены.
Jähne, Bernd / Digital Image ProcessingЯне, Бернд / Цифровая обработка изображений
Цифровая обработка изображений
Яне, Бернд
© 2005, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
© 2006, ЗАО «РИЦ «Техносфера» перевод на русский язык
Digital Image Processing
Jähne, Bernd
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005
A rule of thumb is that a lousy process will consume ten times as many hours as the work itself requires.
Плохо организованный процесс администрирования потребляет вдесятеро больше времени, чем сама работа — это азбучная истина.
Gates, Bill / Business @ the Speed of ThoughtГейтс, Билл / Бизнес со скоростью мысли
Бизнес со скоростью мысли
Гейтс, Билл
© 2001 Корпорация Microsoft
Business @ the Speed of Thought
Gates, Bill
© 1999 by William H. Gates, III
If the lips close, open the lower lip with your gloved thumb.
Если губы закрываются, отведите нижнюю губу большим пальцем руки в перчатке.
© 2001-2006 EurasiaHealth Knowledge Network and American International Health Alliance
He indicated the third person by a downward thrust of the thumb to the box on which they sat.
– И Билл постучал пальцем по гробу, на котором они сидели.
London, Jack / White FangЛондон, Джек / Белый Клык
Белый Клык
Лондон, Джек
© Издательство «ОЛМА-ПРЕСС», 2002
White Fang
London, Jack
© Wordsworth Editions Limited 1992
Esfir took the gun with her finger and thumb, as if she disdained to touch the official's hand, and walked out of the room.
Эсфирь Литвинова выдернула оружие двумя пальцами, словно брезговала дотронуться до руки чиновника и вышла вон.
Akunin, Boris / The State CounsellorАкунин, Борис / Статский советник
Статский советник
Акунин, Борис
© B. Akunin, автор, 1999
© И. Захаров, издатель, 1999
The State Counsellor
Akunin, Boris
Amanda listened longer this time, nodding, at the same time clipping the thumb and fingers of her right hand together in a quack-quack-quack gesture.
Аманда ещё послушала, кивая и одновременно сводя и разводя кончики большого и остальных пальцев правой руки, как бы говоря: бла‑бла‑бла.
King, Stephen / Lisey's storyКинг, Стивен / История Лизи
История Лизи
Кинг, Стивен
Lisey's story
King, Stephen
© 2006 by Stephen King
Not being a big believer in "rules of thumb" (there are exceptions to every rule), I don't have any rules of thumb for when to use (or not to use) a B*Tree index.
Не слишком веря в "простые" правила (из каждого правила есть исключения), я не использую никаких простых правил для определения того, когда использовать (или не использовать) индекс на основе В*-дерева.
Kyte, Tom / Expert One-on-One OracleКайт, Том / Oracle для профессионалов
Oracle для профессионалов
Кайт, Том
© Перевод на русский язык. ООО «ДиаСофтЮП», 2003
© Wrox Press Ltd, 2002
Expert One-on-One Oracle
Kyte, Tom
© Wrox Press Ltd, 2002
“This was found between the finger and thumb of the dead man.
— Это было найдено у мертвого Уильяма в руке. Зажат между большим и указательным пальцами.
Conan Doyle, Arthur / The Reigate PuzzleКонан Дойль, Артур / Рейгетские сквайры
Рейгетские сквайры
Конан Дойль, Артур
© Издательство "Правда", 1966
The Reigate Puzzle
Conan Doyle, Arthur
© 1975 by Clarkson N. Potter, Inc.
Then close the right nostril with your right thumb and retain the breath by firmly pressing the chin against the chest (Jalandhara Bandha).
Затем закройте правую ноздрю большим пальцем правой руки и задержите дыхание, крепко прижимая подбородок к груди (Джаландхара Бандха).
Sivananda, Sri / Kundalini YogaШивананда, Шри / Кундалини йога
Кундалини йога
Шивананда, Шри
© МПРИЦ «Культ-информпресс», 1993
© В. В. Жикаренцев, перевод, вступительная статья, 1993
Kundalini Yoga
Sivananda, Sri
© The Divine Life Trust Society
His thumb feathered over my cheekbone and he made the low humming sound he always used to after sex.
Он провел большим пальцем по моей скуле и тихо застонал, как прежде делал после секса.
Saintcrow, Lilith / Saint City SinnersСэйнткроу, Лилит / Грешники Святого города
Грешники Святого города
Сэйнткроу, Лилит
Saint City Sinners
Saintcrow, Lilith
© 2007 by Lilith Saintcrow
The insect nervous system is adept at setting up a temporary rule of thumb of this kind: 'Steer a course such that the light rays hit your eye at an angle of 30 degrees.'
Нервная система насекомого приспособлена для выработки временных правил поведения, примерно таких: "Держать курс так, чтобы луч света попадал в глаз под углом 30 градусов".
Dawkins, Richard / The God DelusionДокинз, Ричард / Бог как иллюзия
Бог как иллюзия
Докинз, Ричард
© 2006 by Richard Dawkins
© H. Смелкова, перевод на русский язык, 2008
© ООО "Издательская Группа Аттикус", 2008
The God Delusion
Dawkins, Richard
© Richard Dawkins 2006

Adicionar ao meu dicionário

θʌmSubstantivoбольшой палец

Traduções de usuários

Categoria gramatical não definida

  1. 1.

    большой палец на руке

    Tradução adicionada por Фаиль Файзуллин
  2. 2.

    ползунок компонента прокрутки

    Tradução adicionada por Dipish


"rule of thumb" method
эмпирический метод
ball of thumb
возвышение основания большого пальца
ball of thumb
butterfly thumb screw
винт с барашком
clasped thumb
молоткообразный большой палец
gamekeeper's thumb
"палец егеря"
gamekeeper's thumb
вальгусное положение большого пальца кисти
green thumb
садоводческое искусство
hitchhiker thumb
удлиненный большой палец
knurled-thumb screw
винт с накатанной головкой
lady's thumb
горец почечуйный
miller's thumb
rule of thumb
rule of thumb
практический метод
rule of thumb
практический способ

Formas de palavra


Common casethumbthumbs
Possessive casethumb'sthumbs'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)thumbing
Past Participle (Participle II)thumbed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I thumbwe thumb
you thumbyou thumb
he/she/it thumbsthey thumb
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am thumbingwe are thumbing
you are thumbingyou are thumbing
he/she/it is thumbingthey are thumbing
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have thumbedwe have thumbed
you have thumbedyou have thumbed
he/she/it has thumbedthey have thumbed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been thumbingwe have been thumbing
you have been thumbingyou have been thumbing
he/she/it has been thumbingthey have been thumbing
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I thumbedwe thumbed
you thumbedyou thumbed
he/she/it thumbedthey thumbed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was thumbingwe were thumbing
you were thumbingyou were thumbing
he/she/it was thumbingthey were thumbing
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had thumbedwe had thumbed
you had thumbedyou had thumbed
he/she/it had thumbedthey had thumbed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been thumbingwe had been thumbing
you had been thumbingyou had been thumbing
he/she/it had been thumbingthey had been thumbing
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will thumbwe shall/will thumb
you will thumbyou will thumb
he/she/it will thumbthey will thumb
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be thumbingwe shall/will be thumbing
you will be thumbingyou will be thumbing
he/she/it will be thumbingthey will be thumbing
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have thumbedwe shall/will have thumbed
you will have thumbedyou will have thumbed
he/she/it will have thumbedthey will have thumbed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been thumbingwe shall/will have been thumbing
you will have been thumbingyou will have been thumbing
he/she/it will have been thumbingthey will have been thumbing
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would thumbwe should/would thumb
you would thumbyou would thumb
he/she/it would thumbthey would thumb
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be thumbingwe should/would be thumbing
you would be thumbingyou would be thumbing
he/she/it would be thumbingthey would be thumbing
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have thumbedwe should/would have thumbed
you would have thumbedyou would have thumbed
he/she/it would have thumbedthey would have thumbed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been thumbingwe should/would have been thumbing
you would have been thumbingyou would have been thumbing
he/she/it would have been thumbingthey would have been thumbing
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am thumbedwe are thumbed
you are thumbedyou are thumbed
he/she/it is thumbedthey are thumbed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being thumbedwe are being thumbed
you are being thumbedyou are being thumbed
he/she/it is being thumbedthey are being thumbed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been thumbedwe have been thumbed
you have been thumbedyou have been thumbed
he/she/it has been thumbedthey have been thumbed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was thumbedwe were thumbed
you were thumbedyou were thumbed
he/she/it was thumbedthey were thumbed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being thumbedwe were being thumbed
you were being thumbedyou were being thumbed
he/she/it was being thumbedthey were being thumbed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been thumbedwe had been thumbed
you had been thumbedyou had been thumbed
he/she/it had been thumbedthey had been thumbed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be thumbedwe shall/will be thumbed
you will be thumbedyou will be thumbed
he/she/it will be thumbedthey will be thumbed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been thumbedwe shall/will have been thumbed
you will have been thumbedyou will have been thumbed
he/she/it will have been thumbedthey will have been thumbed