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сущ.; воен.

нацеливание, прицеливание; определение объектов, целей для удара

LingvoComputer (En-Ru)


  1. позиционирование (напр. элемента ИС)

  2. узконаправленная баннерная реклама

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Exemplos de textos

Having optimized the environment for servicing retail customers, the Bank was targeting to create the key stone for strengthening its positions in this sector.
Проведя оптимизацию условий обслуживания частных клиентов, Банк стремился к тому, чтобы создать технологический задел для дальнейшего укрепления своих позиций в данном секторе.
© 1994-2011 ОАО «НББ»
© 1994-2011 ОАО «НББ»
UNDCP continued to include HIV/AIDS prevention in its drug demand reduction work by targeting injecting drug abusers.
В рамках работы по сокращению спроса на наркотики ЮНДКП продолжала проводить профилактику ВИЧ/СПИДа, ориентируя свои усилия на лиц, употребляющих наркотики путем инъекций.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
“What’re yer fer?” Bruenor asked again, now targeting the diminutive, shadowy figure.
– Чего тебе надо? – рявкнул Бренор в сторону скрывающейся в тени щуплой фигурки.
Salvatore, Robert / The Halfling’s GemСальваторе, Роберт / Проклятие рубина
Проклятие рубина
Сальваторе, Роберт
© 1990 TSR, Inc.
© С. Топоров, перевод, 2007
© ИЦ "Максима", 2007
The Halfling’s Gem
Salvatore, Robert
© 1990 TSR, Inc.
The sessions were aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the human rights education programme by targeting a core group of 150 trainers who will in turn train others.
Эти занятия были направлены на обеспечение эффективного осуществления программы просвещения в области прав человека и рассчитаны на целевую группу из 150 стажеров, которые в свою очередь будут обучать других.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
Inflation in 1950-1973 and 1980-2007 was about the same just over 3% while inflation targeting has failed to prevent a succession of asset bubbles that have brought recessions in their wake.
Инфляция в 1950-1973 годах и 1980-2007 годах была примерно одинаковой – немного больше 3% – в то время как борьба с инфляцией не смогла предотвратить ряд мыльных пузырей ценных бумаг, которые привели к рецессиям.
Skidelsky, RobertСкидельски, Роберт
идельски, Роберт
Скидельски, Робер
© Project Syndicate 1995 – 2010
idelsky, Robert
Skidelsky, Rober
© Project Syndicate 1995 – 2010
Finally, the Special Rapporteur was informed of a number of cases of suppression of political freedoms, targeting journalists as well as human rights activists.
Наконец, Специальный докладчик получил информацию о ряде случаев ликвидации политических свобод в отношении журналистов и правозащитников.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
The elaborating of the note could be a time- consuming process, but in the vast majority of cases it made a substantial difference in effective targeting of development programmes.
Разработка такого документа может быть весьма трудоемким процессом, однако в подавляющем большинстве случаев он играет определяющую роль в эффективной ориентации программ в области развития.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
Such support measures, while not targeting prices or unit production costs, reduce the business risk for farmers and provide them with an incentive to continue or increase production, including for exports.
Хотя такие меры поддержки и не влияют непосредственно на уровень цен или удельные производственные издержки, они уменьшают операционные риски для фермеров и стимулируют их к продолжению или увеличению производства, в том числе для экспорта.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
Sustainability of all development efforts requires a profound reorientation both of the analytical basis of the development concepts, the practical implementation procedures and strategic targeting of regional development programs.
Устойчивость мер, направленных на развитие регионов в стране, требует масштабной переориентации как методологической основы концепции развития, так и практического наполнения этих мер и стратегической направленности программ регионального развития.
©2004-2005 by RECEP
The targeting of development assistance was the third component of the Convention Plus initiative.
Направленность помощи в целях развития составляет третий элемент инициативы "Конвенция-плюс".
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
Furthermore, as was also recognized in the Convention, special efforts were needed in the area of prevention, targeting the root causes of corruption rather than merely treating its symptoms.
Кроме того, как это и признается в Конвенции, необходимы специальные усилия в области предупреждения коррупции, направленные не на лечение симптомов этого явления, а ликвидацию его коренных причин.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
"Holy Mary, Mother of God, blessed art thou among women . . ." Carlton Hathaway whispered as an enemy superdreadnought loomed on his targeting screen.
— Отче наш, иже еси на небеси! — прошептал Карлтон Хазевей, увидев в электронном прицеле чудовищный сверхдредноут.
Weber, David,White, Steve / In Death GroundВебер, Дэвид,Уайт, Стив / Земля смерти
Земля смерти
Вебер, Дэвид,Уайт, Стив
In Death Ground
Weber, David,White, Steve
© 1997 by David Weber & Steve White
In view of the above, the Office was requested to prepare information material in time for the Summit targeting decision makers and the general public, using the information contained in the Secretary-General's report.
С учетом вышеизложенного Управлению было предложено подготовить информационный материал для Всемирной встречи на высшем уровне, ориентированный на руководителей и широкую общественность и использующий информацию из доклада Генерального секретаря.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
B—targeting group, comprising
В - представляет собой
Ludendorff let the range fall still further and shifted his targeting.
Людендорф подпустил противника еще ближе и обстрелял «паучьи» крейсера противоракетной обороны.
Weber, David,White, Steve / In Death GroundВебер, Дэвид,Уайт, Стив / Земля смерти
Земля смерти
Вебер, Дэвид,Уайт, Стив
In Death Ground
Weber, David,White, Steve
© 1997 by David Weber & Steve White

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'tɑːgɪtɪŋSubstantivoнацеливание; прицеливание; определение объектов; целей для удараExemplo

None of these possess as sophisticated a targeting system as the new model. — Ни у одной из них нет такой совершенной системы наведения, как у новой модели.

Traduções de usuários

Categoria gramatical não definida

  1. 1.

    таргетинг, нацеливание

    Tradução adicionada por Alex Tretyakov
  2. 2.

    программирование траектории

    определение объектов, целей для удара

    сбор информации об отдельных лицах

    Tradução adicionada por Irena O
    Bronze en-ru


customer targeting
определение целевой группы
customer targeting
определение целевой клиентуры
geographical targeting
географическая фокусировка
market targeting
выбор целевого сегмента
market targeting
рыночное таргетирование
rendezvous targeting
определение вектора положения цели при встрече
targeting antibody
антитело против клетки-мишени
targeting error
ошибка целеуказания
targeting interruption
прерывание целеуказания
thematic targeting
тематическая фокусировка
time targeting
временная фокусировка
time targeting
фокусировка по времени
strategic targeting
удары по стратегическим объектам
targeting a sector
адресное финансирование отрасли
targeting pattern
выбор целей

Formas de palavra


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)targeting
Past Participle (Participle II)targeted
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I targetwe target
you targetyou target
he/she/it targetsthey target
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am targetingwe are targeting
you are targetingyou are targeting
he/she/it is targetingthey are targeting
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have targetedwe have targeted
you have targetedyou have targeted
he/she/it has targetedthey have targeted
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been targetingwe have been targeting
you have been targetingyou have been targeting
he/she/it has been targetingthey have been targeting
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I targetedwe targeted
you targetedyou targeted
he/she/it targetedthey targeted
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was targetingwe were targeting
you were targetingyou were targeting
he/she/it was targetingthey were targeting
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had targetedwe had targeted
you had targetedyou had targeted
he/she/it had targetedthey had targeted
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been targetingwe had been targeting
you had been targetingyou had been targeting
he/she/it had been targetingthey had been targeting
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will targetwe shall/will target
you will targetyou will target
he/she/it will targetthey will target
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be targetingwe shall/will be targeting
you will be targetingyou will be targeting
he/she/it will be targetingthey will be targeting
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have targetedwe shall/will have targeted
you will have targetedyou will have targeted
he/she/it will have targetedthey will have targeted
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been targetingwe shall/will have been targeting
you will have been targetingyou will have been targeting
he/she/it will have been targetingthey will have been targeting
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would targetwe should/would target
you would targetyou would target
he/she/it would targetthey would target
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be targetingwe should/would be targeting
you would be targetingyou would be targeting
he/she/it would be targetingthey would be targeting
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have targetedwe should/would have targeted
you would have targetedyou would have targeted
he/she/it would have targetedthey would have targeted
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been targetingwe should/would have been targeting
you would have been targetingyou would have been targeting
he/she/it would have been targetingthey would have been targeting
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am targetedwe are targeted
you are targetedyou are targeted
he/she/it is targetedthey are targeted
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being targetedwe are being targeted
you are being targetedyou are being targeted
he/she/it is being targetedthey are being targeted
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been targetedwe have been targeted
you have been targetedyou have been targeted
he/she/it has been targetedthey have been targeted
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was targetedwe were targeted
you were targetedyou were targeted
he/she/it was targetedthey were targeted
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being targetedwe were being targeted
you were being targetedyou were being targeted
he/she/it was being targetedthey were being targeted
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been targetedwe had been targeted
you had been targetedyou had been targeted
he/she/it had been targetedthey had been targeted
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be targetedwe shall/will be targeted
you will be targetedyou will be targeted
he/she/it will be targetedthey will be targeted
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been targetedwe shall/will have been targeted
you will have been targetedyou will have been targeted
he/she/it will have been targetedthey will have been targeted


Common casetargeting*targetings
Possessive casetargeting's*targetings'