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O Dicionário Universal Inglês-Russo
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[stem] брит. / амер.

    1. сущ.

      1. бот.

        1. ствол, стебель

        2. цветоножка, плодоножка

        3. соплодие

      2. черенок, рукоятка (инструмента)

      3. ножка (бокала)

      4. головка (например, часов)

      5. тех. стержень, короткая соединительная деталь

      6. полигр.

        1. основной штрих (очка литеры)

        2. ножка (литеры)

      7. мор. нос, форштевень

      8. муз. вертикальная линия, являющаяся элементом начертания половинных, четвертных, восьмых нот

        1. род, семья, племя

        2. родословная, происхождение

        3. основная генеалогическая линия семьи

      9. лингв. основа

      10. спорт.

        1. торможение "плугом" или поворот из "плуга" (в горнолыжном спорте)

        2. поворот из упора (в горнолыжном спорте)

    2. гл.

      1. (stem from) происходить от (чего-л.); являться результатом (чего-л.)

        1. приделывать искусственные стебельки к цветам

        2. отделять черенки, чистить ягоды (отрывая их от черенков и стеблей)

        3. уст. расти прямо (как стебель)

      2. вести свой род

        1. идти против течения, сопротивляться (встречному потоку чего-л.)

        2. противиться, бросать вызов (кому-л. / чему-л.)

      3. амер.; разг. попрошайничать, просить милостыню на улицах (протягивая руку, как стебель)

  1. гл.

    1. запруживать; задерживать или останавливать (поток) прям. и перен.

    2. спорт.

      1. разводить пятки лыж в стороны, тормозить "плугом", поворачивать из "плуга"

      2. ставить одну лыжу под углом к другой, поворачивать из упора

Law (En-Ru)


линия родства

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Exemplos de textos

Nor is the preeminent tremendousness of the great Sperm Whale anywhere more feelingly comprehended, than on board of those prows which stem him.
Однако нигде так не чувствуют, не осознают всю жуткую необычайность великого кашалота, как на борту того судна, чей форштевень направлен ему вослед.
Melville, Herman / Moby Dick Or The WhaleМелвилл, Герман / Моби Дик, или Белый Кит
Моби Дик, или Белый Кит
Мелвилл, Герман
© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1981
Moby Dick Or The Whale
Melville, Herman
© Northwestern University Press and The Newberry Library, 1988
It is thought that stem cells and other progenitor cells are important for the disease progression, particularly carcinogenesis.
Полагают, что стволовые клетки и другие клетки-предшественники имеют важное значение для состояний болезни, особенно канцерогенеза.
Purified dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) is used as a cryoprotector of hematopoietic stem cells.
В качестве криопротектора кроветворных клеток используется высокоочищенный диметилсульфоксид (ДМСО).
Upon turning the handle 32 (FIG. 2) the holder 11 turns, too, together with the matrix 9 and the stem 17 carrying the cam 18 and engaged with said matrix, and the lock opens (closes).
При повороте ручки 32 (фиг. 2) поворачивается держатель 11 вместе с матрицей 9 и находящийся с ней в зацеплении стержень 17 с кулачком 18 и замок отпирается (запирается).
He was a little man no larger than yerself, with hair the colour of an amber pipe stem.
Это был небольшой человечек, не крупнее вас, с волосами цвета янтарного чубука у трубки.
O.Henry / The Door of UnrestГенри, О. / Дверь, не знающая отдыха
Дверь, не знающая отдыха
Генри, О.
The Door of Unrest
Known in the art is a preparation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), which is autologous HSC obtained from a patient peripheral blood enriched with cells containing CD34 antigen in the final concentration of (40 to 100)106 cells/ml.
Известен препарат гемопоэтических стволовых клеток (ГСК), представляющий собой аутологичные ГСК, полученные из периферической крови пациента, обогащенной клетками, содержащими антиген CD34, в конечной концентрации (40-И 00)-106 клеток/мл.
The claimed agent may be obtained as a xenogenic numeral immune response to a complex of antigens of endothelial and mesenchymal stem cells.
Заявляемое средство может быть получено как ксеногенный гуморальный иммунный ответ на комплекс антигенов эндотелиальных и мезенхимальных стволовых клеток.
The present invention relates to medicine, in particular, to drugs designed to activate own stem cells of a human.
Изобретение относится к медицине, в частности - лекарственным препаратам, направленным на активацию собственных стволовых клеток.
A sulphur match flared and for a moment lit up the broadcheeked face of the soldier who lay on his stomach, the air whistled in the stem, and Panov smelt the pleasant odor of burning tobacco.
Серничок загорелся, осветив на мгновение скуластое лицо лежавшего на брюхе солдата. В чубуке засвистело, и Панов почуял приятный запах загоревшейся махорки.
Tolstoy, Leo / Hadji MuradТолстой, Л.Н. / Хаджи-Мурат
Толстой, Л.Н.
Hadji Murad
Tolstoy, Leo
They say that after she had died, he put a rose between her teeth-but with the long thorny stem down her throat.
Говорили, что после того, как несчастная умерла, он заталкивал ей в горло стебель розы со всеми шипами, пока цветок не оказался между губами.
Koontz, Dean Ray / Brother OddКунц, Дин / Брат Томас
Брат Томас
Кунц, Дин
© Перевод. В. А. Вебер, 2007
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2007
© 2006 by Dean Koontz
Brother Odd
Koontz, Dean Ray
© 2006 by Dean Koontz
"This is a most unfortunate affair, and will probably be much talked of. But we must stem the tide of malice, and pour into the wounded bosoms of each other the balm of sisterly consolation."
— Что за печальное известие! Как много оно вызовет толков! Но мы должны устоять перед натиском зла и окропить наши сердечные раны бальзамом сестринского участия.
Austen, Jane / Pride and prejudiceОстин, Джейн / Гордость и предубеждение
Гордость и предубеждение
Остин, Джейн
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1988
Pride and prejudice
Austen, Jane
© BiblioLife, LLC
However, the aforementioned drug does not activate the stem cells, but only has immunomodulatory effects.
Однако, данный препарат не активизирует стволовые клетки, а обладает только иммуномодулирующим действием.
Hardly had Avdeev risen to fix the pipe stem in its place when above the rustling of the trees they heard footsteps along the road.
Только что Авдеев встал и хотел налаживать опять трубку, как из-за шелеста ветра послышались шаги по дороге.
Tolstoy, Leo / Hadji MuradТолстой, Л.Н. / Хаджи-Мурат
Толстой, Л.Н.
Hadji Murad
Tolstoy, Leo
Then he consecrated the wine – Hic est enim calix – leaning once more upon his elbows, bowing, raising the cup aloft, his right hand round the stem, his left holding its base, and his eyes following it aloft.
После этого священник снова положил на престол локти, поклонился, поднял чашу, на этот раз следя глазами за нею, и, сжимая правой рукой подставку, которую поддерживал левой, освятил вино: Hie est enim calix.
Zola, Emile / Abbe Mouret's TransgressionЗоля, Эмиль / Проступок аббата Муре
Проступок аббата Муре
Золя, Эмиль
Abbe Mouret's Transgression
Zola, Emile
© BiblioBazaar, LLC
Upon depressing the key 5 the matrix 9 is made to move lengthwise the axis thereof for a distance equal to the width of the clearance S and gets mechanically engaged with the stem 17 after the ward 22 thereof engages the recess 23 in the matrix 9.
При нажатии ключа 5 матрица 9 перемещается вдоль оси на ширину зазора S, механически зацепляясь со стержнем 17: его выступ 22 входит в паз 23 матрицы 9.

Adicionar ao meu dicionário

stemSubstantivoствол; стебель

Traduções de usuários


  1. 1.

    рулевой вынос

    Tradução adicionada por Serge Logo


balanced stem valve
задвижка с уравновешенным штоком
black stem
"черная ножка"
black stem
brain stem
мозговой ствол
brain stem
ствол мозга
button stem
пуговичная ножка лампы
buttress stem
стенка контрфорса
cathode stem
ножка катода
clove stem oil
гвоздичное масло из цветоножек
common lymphoid stem cell
стволовая лимфоидная клетка
common myeloid stem cell
стволовая миелоидная клетка
drill stem
ударная штанга
drill stem equipment
оборудование бурильной колонны
engraved-on-stem thermometer
палочный термометр
fruit stem

Formas de palavra


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)stemming
Past Participle (Participle II)stemmed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I stemwe stem
you stemyou stem
he/she/it stemsthey stem
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am stemmingwe are stemming
you are stemmingyou are stemming
he/she/it is stemmingthey are stemming
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have stemmedwe have stemmed
you have stemmedyou have stemmed
he/she/it has stemmedthey have stemmed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been stemmingwe have been stemming
you have been stemmingyou have been stemming
he/she/it has been stemmingthey have been stemming
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I stemmedwe stemmed
you stemmedyou stemmed
he/she/it stemmedthey stemmed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was stemmingwe were stemming
you were stemmingyou were stemming
he/she/it was stemmingthey were stemming
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had stemmedwe had stemmed
you had stemmedyou had stemmed
he/she/it had stemmedthey had stemmed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been stemmingwe had been stemming
you had been stemmingyou had been stemming
he/she/it had been stemmingthey had been stemming
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will stemwe shall/will stem
you will stemyou will stem
he/she/it will stemthey will stem
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be stemmingwe shall/will be stemming
you will be stemmingyou will be stemming
he/she/it will be stemmingthey will be stemming
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have stemmedwe shall/will have stemmed
you will have stemmedyou will have stemmed
he/she/it will have stemmedthey will have stemmed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been stemmingwe shall/will have been stemming
you will have been stemmingyou will have been stemming
he/she/it will have been stemmingthey will have been stemming
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would stemwe should/would stem
you would stemyou would stem
he/she/it would stemthey would stem
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be stemmingwe should/would be stemming
you would be stemmingyou would be stemming
he/she/it would be stemmingthey would be stemming
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have stemmedwe should/would have stemmed
you would have stemmedyou would have stemmed
he/she/it would have stemmedthey would have stemmed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been stemmingwe should/would have been stemming
you would have been stemmingyou would have been stemming
he/she/it would have been stemmingthey would have been stemming
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am stemmedwe are stemmed
you are stemmedyou are stemmed
he/she/it is stemmedthey are stemmed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being stemmedwe are being stemmed
you are being stemmedyou are being stemmed
he/she/it is being stemmedthey are being stemmed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been stemmedwe have been stemmed
you have been stemmedyou have been stemmed
he/she/it has been stemmedthey have been stemmed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was stemmedwe were stemmed
you were stemmedyou were stemmed
he/she/it was stemmedthey were stemmed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being stemmedwe were being stemmed
you were being stemmedyou were being stemmed
he/she/it was being stemmedthey were being stemmed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been stemmedwe had been stemmed
you had been stemmedyou had been stemmed
he/she/it had been stemmedthey had been stemmed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be stemmedwe shall/will be stemmed
you will be stemmedyou will be stemmed
he/she/it will be stemmedthey will be stemmed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been stemmedwe shall/will have been stemmed
you will have been stemmedyou will have been stemmed
he/she/it will have been stemmedthey will have been stemmed


Common casestemstems
Possessive casestem'sstems'