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sem exemplosEncontrados em 2 dicionários

O Dicionário Universal Inglês-Russo
  • dicts.lingvouniversal_en_ru.description


['peɪɪŋ] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.


  2. прил.

    выгодный, доходный, прибыльный

AmericanEnglish (En-Ru)


выгодный, рентабельный

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Exemplos de textos

They walked slowly along the midway toward the dirt parking lot, paying no attention to the rides now.
Они медленно шли по главной аллее к незаасфальтированной стоянке машин, не обращая больше никакого внимания на аттракционы.
King, Stephen / Hearts in AtlantisКинг, Стивен / Сердца в Атлантиде
Сердца в Атлантиде
Кинг, Стивен
© Stephen King, 1999
© Перевод И.Гурова, 2000
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2001
Hearts in Atlantis
King, Stephen
© 1999 by Stephen King
Inter alia, some USD 7 to 10 bn of these USD 50 bn he spent for paying wages, bonuses and other such payments in favour of natural persons.
В том числе, из этих 50 млрд. долларов от 7 до 10 млрд. долларов он израсходовал на заработную плату, бонусы и иные выплаты непосредственно физическим лицам.
© ПРЕССЦЕНТР Михаила Ходорковского и Платона Лебедева, 2011
© 2011 The International Legal Team of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev
A firm might hold back on paying its entire FCFE as dividends, if it expects substantial increases in capital expenditure needs in the future.
Фирма может отложить выплату всего объема FCFE в качестве дивидендов, если в будущем ожидается существенный рост потребностей в капитальных затратах.
Damodaran, Aswath / Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of Any AssetДамодаран, Асват / Инвестиционная оценка. Инструменты и техника оценки любых активов
Инвестиционная оценка. Инструменты и техника оценки любых активов
Дамодаран, Асват
© Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2004, перевод, оформление
© 2002 by Aswath Damodaran
Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of Any Asset
Damodaran, Aswath
© 2002 by Aswath Damodaran
It's worth paying for, isn't it?
Ведь стоит чего-нибудь, а? Ну, ведь стоит?
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание
Преступление и наказание
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1970
Crime and Punishment
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
© 2009 Rhodes Media
It was worth paying to have seen me at that moment.
Заплатить надо, чтобы только посмотреть на меня в это время.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание
Преступление и наказание
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1970
Crime and Punishment
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
© 2009 Rhodes Media
At dinner he seemed to talk more wildly than usual about what he called "the death of the close borough"--she paid little attention, but her father seemed paying a good deal, with the smile on his face which meant opposition, if not anger.
За обедом он, кажется, ещё более дико, чем всегда, говорил о «крушении твердынь — Она не очень-то прислушивалась, зато отец её как будто слушал внимательно, с улыбкой, означавшей несогласие или даже возмущение.
Galsworthy, John / To LetГолсуорси, Джон / Сдаётся в наём
Сдаётся в наём
Голсуорси, Джон
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство""Эксмо", 2003
To Let
Galsworthy, John
© BiblioBazaar, LLC
It'd take three years of losses to put that kind of operation on a paying basis, but I've got a fat money-belt these days.
Чтобы вывести такое заведение на прибыль, придётся потерпеть три убыточных года, но у меня теперь толстый кошелёк.
King, Stephen / Duma KeyКинг, Стивен / Дьюма-Ки
Кинг, Стивен
© Перевод В.А. Вебер, 2008
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
© Stephen King, 2008
Duma Key
King, Stephen
© 2008 by Stephen King
In the first half of 2010, Baltic International Bank earned a profit of 24 221 lats after paying taxes and creating provisions.
В первой половине 2010 года Baltic International Bank работал с прибылью, которая после уплаты налогов и создания резервов составила 24 221 латов.
©2006-2011 Baltic International Bank
©2006-2011 Baltic International Bank
But paying a listing fee does not guarantee the product will stay in shops.
Но оплаченное размещение еще не гарантирует того, что товар останется на прилавках.
© The Well, 2009
He had simply drawn from them more work than they had been designed to give, and he was paying for it now with pain.
Просто он взял от них больше того, на что они были рассчитаны, и сейчас расплачивается за это болью.
Card, Orson Scott / Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher ColumbusКард, Орсон Скот / Искупление Христофора Колумба
Искупление Христофора Колумба
Кард, Орсон Скот
Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus
Card, Orson Scott
© 1996 by Orson Scott Card
While the Government was at present paying particular attention to the basic needs of the people, it was also making every effort on other fronts.
Хотя в настоящее время правительство сосредоточило свое внимание на удовлетворении основных потребностей населения, оно предпринимает всесторонние усилия и в других областях.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
All of the potential competitors mentioned by the press (Gazprom, lES-Holding, EuroSibenergo, E4 Group, Norilsk Nickel and Fortum) are capable of paying without using subsidies from the asset seller.
Все до сих пор обсуждавшиеся в СМИ потенциальные претенденты («Газпром», «КЭС-Холдинг», «ЕвроСибЭнерго», «Группа Е4», «Норильский Никель» и Fortum) достаточно платежеспособны, чтобы не получать субсидий от продавца актива.
© 2009-2010
© 2009-2010
Odder still, no one seemed to be paying the least bit of attention to them except for Rory and her.
Но что еще более удивительно, никто, кроме Керри и Рори, не обращал на них внимания.
De Lint, Charles / Someplace To Be FlyingДе Линт, Чарльз / Покинутые небеса
Покинутые небеса
Де Линт, Чарльз
Someplace To Be Flying
De Lint, Charles
© 1998 by Charles de Lint
Marmeladov paying no attention to the new arrivals continued his story.
Мармеладов, не обращая внимания на вошедших, стал продолжать рассказ.
Достоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказаниеDostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
© 2009 Rhodes Media
Преступление и наказание
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1970
For example, the index of the frequency of paying bribes, calculated by the World Bank and EBRD, was 2.7 in 1999 and 2.03 in 2005 (the value of 1 is the minimum).
Например, показатель частоты уплаты взяток, рассчитанный Всемирным Банком и ЕБРР, был 2,7 в 1999 году и 2,03 в 2005 году (величина 1 является минимальной).
© Project Syndicate 1995 – 2011
© Project Syndicate 1995 – 2011

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приносящий дивиденды
enterprise run on a paying basis
хозрасчетное предприятие
manage smth. on an economic paying basis
рентабельно вести хозяйство
means of paying
платежное средство
not-paying business
нерентабельное предприятие
paying agent
банк, выплачивающий по поручению и за счет компании проценты и дивиденды
paying back
возврат денег
paying bank
банк-держатель счета
paying bank
paying business
рентабельное предприятие
paying capacity
paying concern
прибыльное/доходное предприятие
paying guest
paying guest
paying of a loan
погашение ссуды

Formas de palavra


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)paying
Past Participle (Participle II)paid
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I paywe pay
you payyou pay
he/she/it paysthey pay
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am payingwe are paying
you are payingyou are paying
he/she/it is payingthey are paying
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have paidwe have paid
you have paidyou have paid
he/she/it has paidthey have paid
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been payingwe have been paying
you have been payingyou have been paying
he/she/it has been payingthey have been paying
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I paidwe paid
you paidyou paid
he/she/it paidthey paid
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was payingwe were paying
you were payingyou were paying
he/she/it was payingthey were paying
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had paidwe had paid
you had paidyou had paid
he/she/it had paidthey had paid
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been payingwe had been paying
you had been payingyou had been paying
he/she/it had been payingthey had been paying
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will paywe shall/will pay
you will payyou will pay
he/she/it will paythey will pay
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be payingwe shall/will be paying
you will be payingyou will be paying
he/she/it will be payingthey will be paying
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have paidwe shall/will have paid
you will have paidyou will have paid
he/she/it will have paidthey will have paid
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been payingwe shall/will have been paying
you will have been payingyou will have been paying
he/she/it will have been payingthey will have been paying
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would paywe should/would pay
you would payyou would pay
he/she/it would paythey would pay
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be payingwe should/would be paying
you would be payingyou would be paying
he/she/it would be payingthey would be paying
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have paidwe should/would have paid
you would have paidyou would have paid
he/she/it would have paidthey would have paid
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been payingwe should/would have been paying
you would have been payingyou would have been paying
he/she/it would have been payingthey would have been paying
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am paidwe are paid
you are paidyou are paid
he/she/it is paidthey are paid
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being paidwe are being paid
you are being paidyou are being paid
he/she/it is being paidthey are being paid
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been paidwe have been paid
you have been paidyou have been paid
he/she/it has been paidthey have been paid
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was paidwe were paid
you were paidyou were paid
he/she/it was paidthey were paid
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being paidwe were being paid
you were being paidyou were being paid
he/she/it was being paidthey were being paid
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been paidwe had been paid
you had been paidyou had been paid
he/she/it had been paidthey had been paid
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be paidwe shall/will be paid
you will be paidyou will be paid
he/she/it will be paidthey will be paid
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been paidwe shall/will have been paid
you will have been paidyou will have been paid
he/she/it will have been paidthey will have been paid


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)paying
Past Participle (Participle II)payed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I paywe pay
you payyou pay
he/she/it paysthey pay
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am payingwe are paying
you are payingyou are paying
he/she/it is payingthey are paying
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have payedwe have payed
you have payedyou have payed
he/she/it has payedthey have payed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been payingwe have been paying
you have been payingyou have been paying
he/she/it has been payingthey have been paying
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I payedwe payed
you payedyou payed
he/she/it payedthey payed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was payingwe were paying
you were payingyou were paying
he/she/it was payingthey were paying
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had payedwe had payed
you had payedyou had payed
he/she/it had payedthey had payed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been payingwe had been paying
you had been payingyou had been paying
he/she/it had been payingthey had been paying
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will paywe shall/will pay
you will payyou will pay
he/she/it will paythey will pay
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be payingwe shall/will be paying
you will be payingyou will be paying
he/she/it will be payingthey will be paying
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have payedwe shall/will have payed
you will have payedyou will have payed
he/she/it will have payedthey will have payed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been payingwe shall/will have been paying
you will have been payingyou will have been paying
he/she/it will have been payingthey will have been paying
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would paywe should/would pay
you would payyou would pay
he/she/it would paythey would pay
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be payingwe should/would be paying
you would be payingyou would be paying
he/she/it would be payingthey would be paying
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have payedwe should/would have payed
you would have payedyou would have payed
he/she/it would have payedthey would have payed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been payingwe should/would have been paying
you would have been payingyou would have been paying
he/she/it would have been payingthey would have been paying
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am payedwe are payed
you are payedyou are payed
he/she/it is payedthey are payed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being payedwe are being payed
you are being payedyou are being payed
he/she/it is being payedthey are being payed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been payedwe have been payed
you have been payedyou have been payed
he/she/it has been payedthey have been payed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was payedwe were payed
you were payedyou were payed
he/she/it was payedthey were payed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being payedwe were being payed
you were being payedyou were being payed
he/she/it was being payedthey were being payed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been payedwe had been payed
you had been payedyou had been payed
he/she/it had been payedthey had been payed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be payedwe shall/will be payed
you will be payedyou will be payed
he/she/it will be payedthey will be payed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been payedwe shall/will have been payed
you will have been payedyou will have been payed
he/she/it will have been payedthey will have been payed


Common casepayingpayings
Possessive casepaying'spayings'