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sem exemplosEncontrados em 3 dicionários

O Dicionário Universal Inglês-Russo
  • It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.


['pɑːsʧə] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.

    1. выгон, пастбище, выпас

    2. еда, корм

    3. подножный корм

  2. гл.

    1. пасти (скот)

    2. пастись

Biology (En-Ru)


  1. пастбище, выгон, выпас

  2. подножный корм

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Exemplos de textos

Towards the end of the dry season in April, many pastoralist groups were forced into debt to procure water, while livestock in the coastal areas of Awdal died due to lack of pasture and water.
К концу сухого сезона в апреле многие группы скотоводов оказались в долгах из-за того, что они были вынуждены покупать воду, при этом в прибрежных районах Авдала из-за нехватки пастбищ и воды отмечался падеж скота
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
The Rumors had it that his present unconventional position in Brigade was only a temporary expedient, until the crotchety old Major General could be eased out and retired to pasture to make room for the younger man.
Осведомленные люди говорили, что его нынешнее неопределенное положение лишь временная необходимость, пока не удастся выпереть чудаковатого генерал-майора на пенсию, отправить старика разводить цветочки и освободить место более молодому.
Jones, James / From Here to EternityДжонс, Джеймс / Отныне и вовек
Отныне и вовек
Джонс, Джеймс
© Издательство "Правда", 1989
From Here to Eternity
Jones, James
© 1951 by James Jones
© renewed 1991 by Gloria Jones, James Anthony Phillipe Jones, and Kaylie Anne Jones
His eyes fell upon the horses, grazing upon the scanty pasture, and in an instant all had come back to him- his mission, his comrades, the need for haste.
Взгляд его упал на лошадей, щипавших тощую траву, и в ту же секунду он все вспомнил - порученное ему дело, товарищей, необходимость спешить.
Conan Doyle, Arthur / White CompanyКонан Дойль, Артур / Белый отряд
Белый отряд
Конан Дойль, Артур
© Издательство "Правда", 1966
White Company
Conan Doyle, Arthur
© 2006 BiblioBazaar
Flower and fruit grew together on the same tree and everywhere was the scent of ripeness and the booming of a million bees at pasture.
Цветы и фрукты росли рядом, вперемешку, и вокруг стоял запах спелости и густое жужжанье несметных пасущихся пчел.
Golding, William / Lord of the fliesГолдинг, Уильям / Повелитель мух
Повелитель мух
Голдинг, Уильям
© Е. Суриц, перевод, 1981
© "Азбука-классика", 2005
Lord of the flies
Golding, William
© 1954 by William Golding
The sun warmed a grassy bit of sheep pasture where Bunny and Sunshine raced across the slope.
Солнце согревало небольшие, поросшие травой участки склона, по которым носились наперегонки Банни и Саншайн.
Proulx, Annie / The Shipping NewsПрул, Энни / Корабельные новости
Корабельные новости
Прул, Энни
© 1993 by Annie Proulx
© Издание на русском языке, перевод. ЗАО ТИД "Амфора", 2005
The Shipping News
Proulx, Annie
© 1993 by Annie Proulx
Out in the back-pasture, a quail could flutter up under his nose unharmed.
Перепелки вспархивали на лугу из-под самого его носа и улетали невредимыми.
London, Jack / White FangЛондон, Джек / Белый Клык
Белый Клык
Лондон, Джек
© Издательство «ОЛМА-ПРЕСС», 2002
White Fang
London, Jack
© Wordsworth Editions Limited 1992
The talk of setting aside a corner of the pasture for superannuated animals had long since been dropped.
Разговоры, что угол пастбища будет отведен для тех, кто имеет право на заслуженный отдых, давно уже кончились.
Orwell, George / Animal FarmОруэлл, Джордж / Скотный двор
Скотный двор
Оруэлл, Джордж
© 1945, Джордж Оруэлл
© 1945, Harcourt, Inc
© 1973, Sonia Orwell
© 1988 Журнал «Родник». Рига
© Илан Полоцк, перевод
Animal Farm
Orwell, George
© 1945, Harcourt, Inc
© 1945, George Orwell
© renewed 1973, Sonia Orwell
There's only pasture for their horses where the grove was at Tear, and at Illian the grove is the Kings park, where he hunts his deer, and none allowed inside without his permission.
Вместо рощи в Тире - пастбище для лошадей, а в Иллиане роща - королевский парк, где король охотится на оленей, и никому не разрешено входить туда без его высочайшего дозволения.
Jordan, Robert / The Eye of the WorldДжордан, Роберт / Око мира
Око мира
Джордан, Роберт
The Eye of the World
Jordan, Robert
© 1990 by Robert Jordan
They did not go fast, yet in time they came to the boundary fence which marked the end of the pasture.
Они шли не быстро, но вскоре очутились перед изгородью, отмечавшей границу выгона.
Faulkner, William / Light in AugustФолкнер, Уильям / Свет в августе
Свет в августе
Фолкнер, Уильям
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1985
Light in August
Faulkner, William
© 1932 by William Faulkner
© renewed 1959 by William Faulkner
The family has decided to move its activity to another nearby village, where there is accessible pasture and where the family can grow hay needed to feed their animals during the winter.
В связи с этим семья решила перебазироваться в соседний населенный пункт, где недалеко есть пастбища и где семья могла бы выращивать сено для заготовки кормов на зиму.
© «Сахалин Энерджи» 2006
© Sakhalin Energy 2006
But they woke at dawn as usual, and suddenly remembering the glorious thing that had happened they all raced out into the pasture together.
Как обычно, проснувшись на рассвете, они внезапно вспомнили блистательную вчерашнюю победу и все вместе потрусили на пастбище.
Orwell, George / Animal FarmОруэлл, Джордж / Скотный двор
Скотный двор
Оруэлл, Джордж
© 1945, Джордж Оруэлл
© 1945, Harcourt, Inc
© 1973, Sonia Orwell
© 1988 Журнал «Родник». Рига
© Илан Полоцк, перевод
Animal Farm
Orwell, George
© 1945, Harcourt, Inc
© 1945, George Orwell
© renewed 1973, Sonia Orwell
Eagle in eyrie, ox in pasture, hart horn-crowned; hawk is swiftest swan the whitest, serpent coldest...
Орлы - обитатели высей, буйволы бродят в лугах, ворон - ведун чернокрылый, олень осенен венцом, лебедь, как лилия, бел, и, как лед, холоден змей...
Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel / The Two TowersТолкиен, Джон Рональд Руэл / Две Крепости
Две Крепости
Толкиен, Джон Рональд Руэл
© Издательство "Радуга", 1988
The Two Towers
Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel
© 1954, 1965, 1966 by J.R.R. Tolkien
© renewed 1982 by Christopher R. Tolkien, Michael H.R. Tolkien, John F.R. Tolkien and Priscilla M.A.R. Tolkien
© 1988 by J. R. R. Tolkien
The banks then arose everywhere steeply, and in some places were varied by rocks - in others covered with the copse, which run up, feathering their sides lightly and irregularly, and breaking the uniformity of the green pasture-ground. -
Дальше берега везде круто поднимались; в некоторых местах их разнообразили скалы, в других же — украшала молодая поросль, кое-где взбегавшая по склонам и прерывавшая однообразие зеленых пастбищ.
Scott, Walter / The AntiquaryСкотт, Вальтер / Антикварий
Скотт, Вальтер
© Художественная литература, 1960
The Antiquary
Scott, Walter
© 2007 BiblioBazaar
A hundred yards and the brush and trees ended and ahead was a little meadow, which had been at one time, most likely, a cornfield or a pasture.
Ярдов через сто деревья кончились, уступив место небольшому лугу, который был когда-то кукурузным полем.
Simak, Clifford D. / Why Call Them Back from HeavenСаймак, Клиффорд Д. / Зачем их звать обратно с небес?
Зачем их звать обратно с небес?
Саймак, Клиффорд Д.
© Перевод. А. Левкин, 2005
© 1967 by Clifford D. Simak
Why Call Them Back from Heaven
Simak, Clifford D.
©, 1967, by Clifford D. Simak
These guilds are associations of men and women who take over areas of arable or pasture land, and make themselvesresponsible for a certain average produce.
Эти гильдии представляют собой союзы мужчин и женщин, получающих в совместное владение участок пахотной земли или пастбища и обязующихся производить определенное количество зерна, мяса или других продуктов сельскохозяйственного труда.
Wells, Herbert George / The World Set Free: A Story of MankindУэллс, Герберт Джордж / Освобожденный мир
Освобожденный мир
Уэллс, Герберт Джордж
The World Set Free: A Story of Mankind
Wells, Herbert George

Adicionar ao meu dicionário

'pɑːsʧəSubstantivoвыгон; пастбище; выпас

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admeasurement of pasture
судебный приказ о надлежащем разделе прав на общий выгон
common of pasture
право на выгон скота на чьих-л. полях
distant pasture
дальний выгон
pasture farming
культурных лугов
pasture farming
полеводческое хозяйство
pasture farming
разведение пастбищ
pasture harrow
пастбищная борона
pasture management
уход за пастбищем
rough pasture
пастбище с грубыми травами
mountain pasture
common pasture
общинное пастбище
common pasture
общинный выпас
community pasture
общинное пастбище
community pasture
общинный выпас
extensive pasture
экстенсивно используемое пастбище

Formas de palavra


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)pasturing
Past Participle (Participle II)pastured
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I pasturewe pasture
you pastureyou pasture
he/she/it pasturesthey pasture
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am pasturingwe are pasturing
you are pasturingyou are pasturing
he/she/it is pasturingthey are pasturing
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have pasturedwe have pastured
you have pasturedyou have pastured
he/she/it has pasturedthey have pastured
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been pasturingwe have been pasturing
you have been pasturingyou have been pasturing
he/she/it has been pasturingthey have been pasturing
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I pasturedwe pastured
you pasturedyou pastured
he/she/it pasturedthey pastured
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was pasturingwe were pasturing
you were pasturingyou were pasturing
he/she/it was pasturingthey were pasturing
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had pasturedwe had pastured
you had pasturedyou had pastured
he/she/it had pasturedthey had pastured
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been pasturingwe had been pasturing
you had been pasturingyou had been pasturing
he/she/it had been pasturingthey had been pasturing
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will pasturewe shall/will pasture
you will pastureyou will pasture
he/she/it will pasturethey will pasture
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be pasturingwe shall/will be pasturing
you will be pasturingyou will be pasturing
he/she/it will be pasturingthey will be pasturing
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have pasturedwe shall/will have pastured
you will have pasturedyou will have pastured
he/she/it will have pasturedthey will have pastured
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been pasturingwe shall/will have been pasturing
you will have been pasturingyou will have been pasturing
he/she/it will have been pasturingthey will have been pasturing
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would pasturewe should/would pasture
you would pastureyou would pasture
he/she/it would pasturethey would pasture
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be pasturingwe should/would be pasturing
you would be pasturingyou would be pasturing
he/she/it would be pasturingthey would be pasturing
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have pasturedwe should/would have pastured
you would have pasturedyou would have pastured
he/she/it would have pasturedthey would have pastured
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been pasturingwe should/would have been pasturing
you would have been pasturingyou would have been pasturing
he/she/it would have been pasturingthey would have been pasturing
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am pasturedwe are pastured
you are pasturedyou are pastured
he/she/it is pasturedthey are pastured
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being pasturedwe are being pastured
you are being pasturedyou are being pastured
he/she/it is being pasturedthey are being pastured
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been pasturedwe have been pastured
you have been pasturedyou have been pastured
he/she/it has been pasturedthey have been pastured
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was pasturedwe were pastured
you were pasturedyou were pastured
he/she/it was pasturedthey were pastured
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being pasturedwe were being pastured
you were being pasturedyou were being pastured
he/she/it was being pasturedthey were being pastured
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been pasturedwe had been pastured
you had been pasturedyou had been pastured
he/she/it had been pasturedthey had been pastured
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be pasturedwe shall/will be pastured
you will be pasturedyou will be pastured
he/she/it will be pasturedthey will be pastured
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been pasturedwe shall/will have been pastured
you will have been pasturedyou will have been pastured
he/she/it will have been pasturedthey will have been pastured


Common casepasturepastures
Possessive casepasture'spastures'